Elisabetta Mina

Elisabetta Mina

Lawyer specialized in intellectual property and industrial law


IAP - Advertising Self-Regulation Institute

Lawyer specializing in intellectual and industrial property law, Elisabetta Mina has extensive experience in assisting Italian and foreign clients in many different sectors, including publishing, advertising, cinema, television, internet, and new media, with particular reference to the new forms of exploitation and use of works through the internet and new technologies.

She has been involved in commercial communication for a long time, in all its forms and aspects, including the most advanced forms of digital and unconventional marketing, both offline and online. Elisabetta Mina is currently Vice President of the Control Committee of the Advertising Self-Regulation Institute (IAP).

His activity has also focused on the area of litigation, particularly in the fight against counterfeiting and piracy.

Before establishing the legal firm Mina Lanfranconi & Associates - Milalegal in October 2012, Elisabetta Mina collaborated with leading national and international firms, in particular with Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer, Pavia e Ansaldo, and De Berti Jacchia Franchini Forlani.

He is a member and actively participates in many industry associations, including AIPPI - International Association for the Protection of Industrial Property, INDICAM - Institute of Centromarca for the Defense and Identification of Authentic Brands and the Fight against Counterfeiting, INTA - International Trademark Association. He writes for the magazine "Il Diritto Industriale" and manages the IP Focus group on Linkedin.

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