Elisa Angeletti

Elisa Angeletti

Graduating student at Alma Mater Studiorum of Bologna, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture

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Graduating at Alma Mater Studiorum of Bologna, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture (single-cycle master's degree). I was born and raised in Bologna, where I graduated from the Scientific High School Malpighi and then continued my studies at Alma Mater Studiorum in the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture.

In life, I have always tried to broaden my personal education and so I have created paths that allow me to merge together multiple topics of interest, such as the worlds of engineering and architecture. Perhaps the term that best describes me is "multipotentialite," because I enjoy delving into passions on different fronts such as art, architecture, engineering, photography, music, and computer science, thus varying topics and expanding my points of view.

Since 2020, alongside my studies, I have embarked on a photographic career, focusing particularly on portraiture. In addition to the organizational and teamwork aspects, photography allows me to express my more creative side, giving me personal satisfaction and new sources of study and interest.

In 2020 and 2021 Intercru Magazine interviewed me to tell my personal journey as a photographer in two articles, and to address the theme of female empowerment in today's society. It was a great opportunity for me to express myself on current issues that I care about, as well as to work with the Swedish brand BareStockholm, founded by young girls, which produces sustainable underwear.

From September 24th to 30th, 2021, the Imagenation Milan exhibition - the new aesthetics - International Photo Exhibition is held at the Fondazione Luciana Matalon, where I have the pleasure of exhibiting one of my shots taken in recent years as a photographer.

I am close to completing my studies and for my thesis I have tried to create a combination of engineering, architecture, and photography, including within diagnostic investigations on the degradation of museum objects also photogrammetry and three-dimensional modeling.

I firmly believe that even the seemingly most distant roads can be side by side to create something always new and evocative.

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