Eliana Di Caro

Eliana Di Caro

Journalist @ Il Sole 24 Ore

Participate in:

T- being: The Mothers of the Constitution

Eliana Di Caro, born in Matera, has been a journalist at Il Sole 24 Ore since 2000: after working for the monthly publication Ventiquattro and the Foreign Affairs editorial staff of the newspaper, since 2012 she has been at the Culture supplement "Domenica", in the role of deputy head of department and curator of the History and Economy and Society sections. 

She is one of the authors of Women of the Republic (il Mulino, 2016), Author's Basilicata (Manni, 2017), Women in '68 (il Mulino, 2018), Women to the future (il Mulino, 2021). She has published Going to Matera and Basilicata (il Mulino, 2019) and The Victorious (Il Sole 24 Ore, 2020). She writes about women's issues - their rights and female emancipation - and the land of Lucania. 

Passionate about tennis, she occasionally reviews books on the subject.

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