Elena Quaglio

Elena Quaglio

Project manager, Observatory on Professional Women

Participate in:

Safety in the city and in the workplace

Elena Quaglio, Project Manager for B.D.F. Spa, graduated in Law from the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Milan, with a thesis in Constitutional Law and a Master's degree in Human Resources Management. Twenty years of experience gained in Information Technology and Telecommunications companies, where she attended courses on Female Leadership and promoted Best Practices on the subject.

In 2012, creator of the project "Free Job Center," aimed at reassigning unemployed workers in the IT sector, with a particular focus on the possibility of reintegrating women into the workforce. Always interested in gender equality issues, now, as a mother of two young women, she has committed to social projects aimed at raising awareness on the topic of violence against women in high schools in the Milan hinterland.

In 2020, promoter together with lawyer Barbara Marascio, of the event "The dress does not give consent" inspired by the exhibition "What were you wearing?": the project, developed in collaboration with the Classical High School and Human Sciences "Clemente Rebora" in Rho, and sponsored by the Commissioner for Equality of the Lombardy Region, started from the work of study and analysis of a group of 40 adolescents and concluded with a conference in which psychologists from the Anti-Violence Center, lawyers, and professionals were able to interact with a young audience, responding to the need for understanding and discussing strategies for containing the phenomenon.

The goal, achieved, was to raise awareness among female students about the many facets of violence, both physical and verbal, an analysis that led them, through an experiential journey, to recognize its manifestations both in the domestic and school/work environment but also to develop a greater awareness of the subtle dynamics of abuse that develop on social media platforms.

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