Diana De Marchi

Diana De Marchi

President of the Equal Opportunities and Civil Rights Commission of the Municipality of Milan and Delegate Councilor for Labor and Social Policies of the Metropolitan City of Milan.

Participate in:

T-Being: Mission Equality
Safety in the city and in the workplace

I was born in Milan, where I live with my partner Maurizio and we have two daughters.

Graduated in Modern Foreign Languages and Literatures at the State University of Milan, after several work experiences as an interpreter and corporate translator, I worked for ten years as a researcher at Cisem, the Center for Innovation and Educational Experimentation in Milan, in the Gender and Education area. During those years, I published articles in specialized journals and some books focused on sexuality education, citizenship education, care education, orientation as a form of personal growth, integration, and the principle of equal opportunities in the educational process, teacher training, and textbooks.

I have, among others, participated in PoLiTe, a project promoted by the Ministry of Equal Opportunities and the Italian Publishers Association, to encourage the introduction of a gender perspective in textbooks. In 2010 I obtained a Master's degree in Italian for foreigners at Ca' Foscari. For twelve years, I have been a teacher of German and Italian for foreigners, from 2005 to 2014 I taught at the experimental school Rinascita - A. Livi in Milan. This year I teach at the scientific high school Elio Vittorini with partial detachment at the Territorial School Office on the national project for the schooling of non-Italian citizens in the metropolitan area.

Elected councilor in Zone 7 in 2006 and then in 2010 Provincial Councilor, since then I have been involved in the Institutions of school, culture, integration, women's rights, environment and services, convinced of the need for a requalification of the territory that goes through processes not only urbanistic, but also social. Since 2016, I have been elected city councilor and I preside over the commission for equal opportunities and civil rights.

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