Davide Cervellin

Davide Cervellin

Chief Marketing & Data Officer at Telepass S.p.A.


Participate in:

Tram of Innovation 2020

Davide Cervellin, born in 1980 in Verona and graduated in Electrical Engineering from the Polytechnic University of Milan, is a prominent figure in the world of Big Data and Analytics, named one of the 100 most influential people in data-driven business in 2018 and 2019.

His experience includes roles in companies such as Siemens, Vodafone, Pirelli, eBay, PayPal, and Booking.com. In addition to his corporate roles, he is an advisor and coach for several startups throughout Europe, supports large companies in Data Transformation processes, and helps Italian universities create the new generation of leaders in the data world. He has been a speaker at over 30 conferences throughout Europe.

He has lived in Italy, Switzerland, England, and the Netherlands and has had the opportunity to work with people from all over the world and to deal with many different cultures. Now he has decided to return to Italy and lives in Rome, where he holds the role of Chief Marketing & Data Officer at Telepass.

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