Daniela Bellomo

Daniela Bellomo

President of the Program Committee


Daniela Bellomo is an Italian and Australian citizen. Currently General Manager of TTFactor S.r.l., the Technology Transfer Company of IFOM (IFOM Foundation FIRC Institute for Molecular Oncology) and of IEO (European Institute of Oncology).

TTFactor supports the research and development programs of the two Institutes through the protection of intellectual property and the transfer to the industrial sector of inventions for the treatment and/or diagnosis of tumors generated by researchers and clinicians, with the aim of promoting their dissemination for the benefit of patients.

Graduated in Biology from the University of Milan, she obtained a PhD from the University of London and an MBA from the Queensland University of Technology in Australia. Former researcher in the field of cardiovascular biology in Great Britain and Australia, since 2001 she has been involved in technology transfer at IMBCom, the tech transfer company of the Institute of Molecular Biosciences at the University of Queensland and more recently at the San Raffaele Scientific Institute as Head of the Biotechnology Transfer Office.

Member of AUTM and LES. She has been a lecturer at the Vita Salute San Raffaele University and other universities and is the author of numerous interventions and publications on the topic of innovation.

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