Cristina Quartararo

Cristina Quartararo

Research Fellow for the Interdepartmental Center for Gender Studies - ABCD and for the Single Guarantee Committee CUG, University of Milan-Bicocca

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Innovation Tram 2024

Cristina Quartararo obtained a Ph.D. in Sociology and Social Research Methodology from the Graduate School of Social and Political Sciences.

Since 2020, he has been a Research Fellow for ABCD - Interdepartmental Center for Gender Studies and the CUG - Single Guarantee Committee of the University of Milan-Bicocca (UNIMIB).

She has focused on gender inequalities in the educational and academic fields, participating in working groups for the drafting of the Gender Balance and the GEP (Gender Equality Plan) 2021 at the University. In the last two years, her research interests have been focused on women and technology, welfare, and care work.

He collaborated on the research-action project that was initiated thanks to the agreement signed between the Single Guarantee Committee (CUG)-UNIMIB and the association Women&Tech® - Women and Technologies Association - ETS.

He conducted - together with the President of the CUG - Prof. Patrizia Steca - the quali-quantitative investigation "Women and Technologies" participating in dissemination activities, with the aim of creating exchanges, knowledge, and synergistic relationships between the academic and entrepreneurial realities.

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