Concetta Quintarelli

Concetta Quintarelli

Head of the Gene Therapy Laboratory for Tumors at the Bambino Gesù Pediatric Hospital in Rome and Professor at the Federico II University of Naples.


After graduating with honors in Medical Biotechnologies and obtaining a PhD in Medical Biotechnologies, she specialized in Biochemistry, Medical Biotechnologies, and Molecular Biology, all at the University Federico II. During her specialization, she attended the gene and cell therapy laboratory at the Children's Hospital in Houston, gaining high expertise in the field of cellular immunotherapies in the oncological context.

Since 2017, she has been the coordinator of the Immunotherapy Working Group of the Alliance Against Cancer (ACC), the largest Italian oncological research organization, founded in 2002 by the Ministry of Health among six high-level cancer care and research centers (IRCCS), and currently composed of 25 Scientific Institutes for Hospitalization and Care, AIMaC, Italian Sarcoma Group, CNAO Foundation and the Higher Institute of Health, which hosts its offices.

It is also a member of the medical-biological team of the Heal Onlus Association, which supports the work of doctors, nurses, and biologists who daily operate in the care and research in the field of pediatric neuro-oncology.

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