Claudia Sandei

Claudia Sandei

Full Professor of Commercial Law and New Technologies @ University of Padua


Claudia Sandei is a Full Professor of Commercial Law at the University of Padua, where she teaches Commercial Law and Industrial Law and New Technologies. Graduated with honors, she obtained her PhD in 2009.

Scientific director of numerous public and private projects, she is a member of the Editorial Board and Scientific Committee of some of the most prestigious legal journals (Bank, stock exchange and credit securities; Commercial Jurisprudence; Digital Commercial Law Journal; International Review of Law, Computers and Technology), as well as of some national research projects (Inest, PNRR project) international (in particular on Big Data and legal profiles of the so-called Platform Economy). Author of two monographs, co-editor of the volume on Fintech Law (CEDAM-WKI) and numerous essays, Claudia has also been a visiting professor at the University of Hannover and Hong Kong. Lawyer, expert in new technologies, she is the director of the Innovation and Technology Law Lab and the Digital Law Network, two centers specialized in applied research in the field of IT LAW and LEGAL TECH.

Member of the Expert Panel of the European Blockchain Observatory and Forum, Member of the Human Inspired Technology (HIT) Research Center, Member of the CINI - Cybersecurity National Lab @UniPD, Member of the National H2IT Table for hydrogen, Member of the AGCOM Table "Digital Platforms and Big Data", member of the National Association of Commercial Law Professors, as well as the Association for the Internet Code and the European Law Institute, also participates in various University and Department Committees.

Passionate about her work, attentive to the needs of students and social changes, Claudia was a finalist in the Teaching Award 2019 and since 2021 she has been serving as a Change Agent @UNIPD for the promotion of innovative and inclusive teaching.

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