Catherine Ladousse

Catherine Ladousse

Executive Communications, Events and Diversity, Lenovo EMEA


He began his career at the Association of French-speaking Universities, before joining the Communication sector of Credit Agricole bank in Paris, and later in Cairo. In 1991, he became Director of Communication and Customer Satisfaction at American Express in France. He joined IBM in 1995, first as Head of Media Relations for the PC division in EMEA (Europe, Middle East, and Africa), then as Communications Director for IBM France. In 2005, he joined Lenovo EMEA as Executive Director of Communications.

In this role, she actively contributed to the creation, in 2007, of the global program dedicated to diversity "WILL - Women In Lenovo Leadership." Since April 2012, she has been leading all Corporate and Executive Communications, Events, and Diversity initiatives at Lenovo in EMEA.  

She is also the Co-founder and President of the French network of women "Cercle InterElles" (a network that brings together women working in the fields of science and technology in companies actively committed to promoting gender diversity and technical careers" for women": IBM, Intel, Lenovo; Air Liquide, Assystem, Orange, GE, Schlumberger, Areva, CEA, Nexter

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