Carlo Nesler

Carlo Nesler

Founder of CibOfficina Microbiotica, a center for production, training, and experimentation on fermentation and natural agriculture.


Born and raised in Bolzano, since he was a boy he has been interested in cooking and fermented foods. Initially dedicated to beer, wine, spirits, sauerkraut, and yogurt, he then became passionate about theater. He graduated from DAMS in Bologna and for several years worked in the theater industry in various roles. He alternates with other jobs ranging from catering to construction, teaching, the wine sector, translation, carpentry, and some other experiences. However, he always pursues his passion for cooking and fermentation, researching and experimenting in his free time. 

Meet permaculture by taking a Permaculture Design Course with Saviana Parodi and, urged by this, decides to resume studying fermentations and to share his experiences and knowledge with others. He holds workshops on fermented foods in various parts of Italy and abroad. He collaborates with important chefs such as Norbert Niederkofler, Oliver Piras, Mauro Ricciardi, and others, both in training projects on fermented foods and as a consultant.

Is collaborating as a translator on the publication of Wild Fermentation by Sandor Katz, a fundamental text for those who want to approach the subject. Is undertaking the active learning path at the Italian Permaculture Academy.

In 2016, she founded CibOfficina Microbiotica in Viterbo, a center for production, training, and experimentation focused on fermentation and natural agriculture. CibOfficina offers training courses for professionals, self-production labs, and informative events. It also produces and markets fermented probiotic foods, unpasteurized, such as soy-free miso and shoyu, sauerkraut, fermented vegetables, kimchi, kombucha, etc.

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