Carla Lertola

Carla Lertola

Robin Food Onlus

Participate in:

Good cuisine and health at the table: illusion or happy coexistence?

Born in 1958, a specialist in Food Science and Dietetics, has always combined private practice with a rich educational activity in the medical-scientific field, collaborating with the most important Italian newspapers, both daily and periodicals, and participating in radio and television programs on the topic of nutrition and health.

From 2006 to the present, she has also dedicated herself to writing texts on food education for both healthy individuals and non, focusing on themes related to prevention across different stages of life, from childhood to adulthood, with particular attention to the topic of pregnancy. She has also conducted numerous educational and outreach activities, teaching at various institutions and professional orders nationwide.

His commitment has always been aimed at spreading food culture, so that people can acquire awareness that eating well is essential to live in a favorable state of psycho-physical well-being, improving their lifestyle and health, with a return of social and economic well-being to the entire community. Inspired by this principle, in 2015, Robin Food Onlus was founded, an association of which Carla Lertola is Co-founder and President.

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