Camilla Franceschini

Camilla Franceschini

Information Systems Engineering, University of Parma

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Donne&Tech® Young Ambassadors

I was born on July 20, 1997 in a small village in the province of La Spezia in the rocky Liguria. Half of my life I spent surrounded by nature and near my beloved sea before moving to the foggy Parma, but so full of possibilities!

Since I was little, I have been fascinated by computers and the characteristic awful noise of connecting with 56k modems! I really wanted to understand how this strange world worked and how all this information managed to reach us. I also admit that two computers were victims of this desire to understand how they worked, and, dismantling them, they never turned on again.

I decide to enroll in the scientific high school "G. Ulivi" in Parma, option Applied Sciences, and here I find my true passion: writing code. The scenes in movies where people with hoodies pulled up in the dark write incomprehensible things on black screens are true, except that usually they don't hack the Pentagon, but for example, I started with "the calculator" and then moved on to more complex projects like developing an Instant Messaging Development or a mini warehouse management system.

After graduating, I took a sabbatical period during which I did various jobs, including working in an electronics store, before enrolling in university in the Information Systems Engineering course.

One of my characteristic traits, however, is the desire for independence, and for this reason I enrolled in a course as a Digital Developer at the Business Entity Cisita in Parma, which ended with an internship in a company. Through the internship, I was hired and currently work as a programmer while finishing my university studies.

It can still be said about me that I am a "summer" person, sunny and very empathetic. The other two "C"s of my life are Crossfit, which has taught me the importance of community, and cinema, the seventh art that allows us to experience incredible stories.

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