Bruno Marasà

Bruno Marasà

Head of the Information Office of the European Parliament in Milan - Directorate General for Communication


Head of the Information Office of the European Parliament in Milan - Directorate General for Communication

As head of the Office, he/she contributes to the planning and implementation of public initiatives on European themes, with the active involvement of European parliamentarians from the Northwest and Northeast constituencies. He/she participates in public meetings at Universities, schools, and those promoted by regional and local institutions or non-governmental organizations.

His most recent position at the European Parliament, before becoming head of the Milan Office, was as Head of Unit for foreign policy, security, and defense. A freelance journalist, he obtained a post-graduate diploma from the Specialization School in Economics and Law of the European Community at the State University of Milan.

Since 1995, he has been holding seminars on European Union Law at various Italian universities. He has also taught courses on "The language regime of international organizations. The case of the European Parliament" at the IULM University of Milan, in 2009-2010, and on "Euro-Mediterranean economic and social relations" at the University of Naples Orientale in 2007.

Since 1990, he has published numerous articles and essays on the themes of European integration, particularly on the EU's foreign policy, in newspapers and specialized magazines. His most recent works include: "Fragmentation or Renewal? A New Horizon for Europe" in the Journal of the Center In Europe 3/2012; "New Horizons for Europe's Mediterranean Policy" in the Journal of the Center In Europe No. 1/2012; "Europe and the Mediterranean. Partnership and Security Policy" (in the 2010 Report on European Integration, ed. Il Mulino, Bologna) and "The European Union's Mediterranean Policy" (ed. Università l'Orientale, Napoli).

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