Antonella Avram

Antonella Avram

Fashion Tech entrepreneur, CEO & Innovation Manager of Trend Technology srl/ Focalize


Fashion Tech Entrepreneur, CEO & Innovation Manager of Trend Technology srl/ Focalize. With a solid professional background, technological skills, and a deep understanding of the fashion and textile industry, I help companies overcome the challenges of digital transformation.

I have a deep understanding of all processes in the fashion industry - from product ideation to sales, from supply chain integration to warehouse automation and product traceability - and enabling technologies for transitioning organizations to a Industry 4.0 model. Born and raised near Bucharest, arrived in Italy at a young age, for over 10 years, as an IT Sales Engineer, I have been dedicated to selling high-tech solutions specific to the Fashion Industry.

In 2010 I founded Trend Technology srl and a few years later I had an experience in the USA where I founded my start-up due to my need to breathe innovation and to better understand the world of fashion, software, and technology. This is how Focalize Platform was born, a cloud-native, modular, and SaaS-distributed productivity and collaboration platform, making technology accessible to all companies in terms of costs, usability, and ease of learning. I am always looking for the new and that's why I started an Innovation eXperience and co-design project involving an interdisciplinary team (STEAM) of students from the Don Mazza University College in Padua and clients to create a sustainable niche ecosystem because I believe in the value of a circular economy and would like to facilitate the green transition in the fashion world.

Determined, curious, empathetic, and with a strong problem-solving attitude, I define myself as "unconventional" and with the desire to break the mold. I have always thought this way, and today I try to convey it to my teenage daughter who is a STEM student.

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