Annalisa Giangregorio

Annalisa Giangregorio

Experience Design Lead, Oracle

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ELLE Active! 2022 - Values and Jobs

Annalisa Giangregorio is the Experience Design Lead for Oracle, currently based in Rome.

She has worked on many international digital projects, with teams located all over the world, from Brazil to Russia. She is an expert in Design Thinking and Human-Centered Design. As an Experience Designer, she deals with digital transformation projects, able to translate complex processes into impactful yet easy-to-use user experiences.

His work is at the intersection of different areas: Business, Technology, and Humans. At the center of his work are usability, empathy, and data.

Believes that the fundamental element for every digital service is a deep understanding of the emotional and functional needs of users, which allow the creation of an experience that users want to come back to again and again.

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