Angela Noviello

Angela Noviello

Director Italy, Trainer and Coordinator Europe OTI Oncology Esthetics President ISFOE Italy International Society for Oncology Esthetics


Director Italy, Trainer and Coordinator Europe OTI Oncology Esthetics
President ISFOE Italy International Society for Oncology Esthetics

Graduated from the Scientific High School with a Linguistic Focus in Milan, she obtained the Professional Training Qualification and later a Specialization in Esthetics. She has participated in numerous national and international refresher courses and trainings. Numerous stays abroad characterize her experience in disciplines such as massage, lymphatic drainage, endermology, makeup, applied technologies, management techniques, communication, marketing, and other sectors of esthetics.

She is also a speaker at numerous conferences and seminars. Expert and Consultant for companies and journalistic publications in the sector, professor of Professional Theory in Aesthetics for over fifteen years. She was Owner and Director of an important Professional Aesthetics School in Italy, "Milano Estetica", recognized by the Lombardy region for over 10 years. She is Vice President of SIMOE, the Italian Society of Doctors and Operators in Aesthetics. Currently, she is the Director of the Aesthetics Division at the Milan Estetica Cosmetic Surgery Medical SPA center.

She obtained certification in Oncology Esthetics in April 2013. Daring beyond traditional aesthetics, she discovered a deep passion for being able to provide comfort to oncology patients.

Since May 2013, she has been collaborating as a volunteer with an important scientific hospitalization and care institute, the "San Raffaele" Hospital in Milan, for the "Health in the Mirror" project as the Head of the aesthetic area, offering Safe aesthetic treatments to oncology patients.

Today he is also the Director of Italy and Coordinator of Europe for OTI Oncology Training International - Oncology Esthetics and President of ISFOE Italia "International Society for Oncology Esthetics."

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