Andrea Segrè

Andrea Segrè

President - Last Minute Market - academic spin-off


President - Last Minute Market - academic spin-off, University of Bologna

Andrea Segrè (Trieste, 1961) is a full professor of International and Comparative Agricultural Policy and Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture at the University of Bologna. His scientific research interests, both theoretical and applied, include in particular: the system of public aid for agricultural and food development; the transition processes from planned to market economies in the economic-agricultural systems of former socialist countries; the waste of agricultural and food resources in developed and developing countries.

From a theoretical research, then applied, he conceived and developed the Last Minute Market project for the recovery for beneficial purposes of unsold food and non-food goods (1999). Last Minute Market became a spin off of the University of Bologna (2003) of which he is president, and the solidarity and sustainable collection with this model has expanded in Italy and abroad (

In 2010, with the sponsorship of the European Parliament, he promoted the campaign "One year against waste" to raise awareness among the European public about the environmental, economic, and social consequences of resource waste; in 2011 the campaign "One year against waste" focused on the theme of water. In 2012, the campaign focuses on the theme of energy (

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