Andrea Pensotti

Andrea Pensotti

PhD student in Sciences and Engineering for Man and the Environment, Campus Bio-Medico University of Rome


PhD student in Sciences and Engineering for Man and the Environment, Campus Bio-Medico University of Rome

Graduated in Pharmaceutical Chemistry from the University of Milan in 2009, Andrea furthered his studies with professional training in management in London and, starting from November 2018, is a doctoral student at the Campus-Biomedico University. Andrea has been a partner at Lead2b Limited since 2013 and has been managing the Life Science department at Actire Ltd since 2016.

He is also a member of the Systems Biology Group Lab (Sapienza University) under the guidance of Prof. Mariano Bizzarri.

He followed, as Life Sciences Partner, research development projects for various companies and institutions for Lead2b.

In 2013, he worked as a scientific consultant for Fondazione Lang Italia and since 2014 he has been the scientific coordinator of Fondazione Lang and Samiarc, for which he has managed research projects involving six universities in the fields of medicine and biophysics.

Andrea holds the position of scientific director of Saluteuropa, the Italian Representative Organization of EMA (European Medical Association) and is the Italian partner of LSI (Interdisciplinary Life Science Institute).

He also curated the publication of a book "Vital Energy - from molecules to organizations, a journey among the common roots of life" by Franco Angeli in 2015, and presented one of the researches on cognitive sciences at the International Congress on the Science of Consciousness held in San Diego (California).

In 2010 Andrea was the executive producer of an Italian television network program on health education topics: "La Natura della Salute".

During his career, he has worked as an assistant and executive producer for the main national television networks such as Rai, Mediaset, Sky, and OdeonTv. Since 2008, he has been the executive producer of Libero srl and Blue Bastille srl.

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