Amal El Fallah Seghrouchni

Amal El Fallah Seghrouchni

Professor at the Sorbonne University - Faculty of Science and Engineering


Amal El Fallah Seghrouchni is a full professor at Sorbonne University - Faculty of Science and Engineering where she heads the Multi-Agent System group at LIP6 ( ) created in 2006. She obtained her PhD in computer science from Pierre et Marie Curie University - Paris 6 (1991), and her HDR (Habilitation to advise Research) from Paris 13 University (2000) in computer science - Artificial Intelligence.

Since 2016, he has been the vice director of Tremplin Carnot INTERFACES, which promotes collaboration between academia and industry. He has carried out a long scientific mission as an external collaborator at Thales Airborne Systems (from 2009 to 2015) and was in the delegation at CNRS from 2010 to 2012. He is currently a member of the board of IFAAMAS (International Foundation for Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems) and the board of EURAMAS (European Association of Multiagent Systems).

Amal El Fallah Seghrouchni is Full Professor at Sorbonne Université – Faculté des Sciences et d’ingénierie where she heads the Multi-Agent System group at LIP6 ( ) created in 2006. She obtained her Ph.D in computer science from the University Pierre and Marie Curie - Paris 6 (1991), and her HDR (Habilitation to advise Research) from the University Paris 13 (2000) in computer science – Artificial Intelligence.

Since 2016, she has been Deputy Director of Tremplin Carnot INTERFACES, which promotes collaboration between academia and industry. She conducted a long scientific mission as an external collaborator at Thales Airborne Systems (from 2009 to 2015) and was on delegation at the CNRS from 2010 to 2012. She is currently an elected member of the IFAAMAS board (International Foundation for Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems) and the EURAMAS board (European Association of Multiagent Systems).

Research topics and collaborations: Her research focuses on the design of autonomous systems and ambient intelligent applications. The approach developed in her research is based on cognitive agents and multi-agent systems. This includes coordination models (negotiation, distributed planning, protocols of interaction) and programming context-aware systems based on adaptation and learning (collective learning, mobile agents, spatio-temporal design). These research topics find a large number of applications in the fields of design of complex systems, simulation, context-aware applications, and smart cities. This range of applications is supported by a large number of industrial collaborations and several international collaborative projects. In Europe, she collaborated with Delft and Utrecht universities (C. Jonker, B. van Riemsdijk, K. V. Hindriks, M. Dastani, and J-J Meyer). She also collaborated with Clausthal University (J. Dix) and the University Politehnica of Bucharest (A. Florea, A. Olaru), with Italy (A. Ricci, V. Mascardi). Outside Europe, she developed a strong collaboration with the team of Prof. Honiden at NII (Tokyo, Japan); and with Brazil (both the Universities of PUC - Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo) with R. Bordini, J. F. Hübner, C. Lucena, Anarosa Brandao, and J. Sichman. These collaborations took place in the context of contracts (European projects), Ph.D. co-advising, organization of international events, thesis committees, etc.

Activities related to research animation: She was a node of the network of excellence AgentLink with an active participation in the Technical forum group dedicated to Programming multi-agent systems. She co-organized a series of ProMAS workshops (, since 2003) which produced 5 volumes LNAI Springer and 2 books (international references in the ProMAS domain). ProMAS merged with 2 others namely AOSE and DALT and gave birth to the EMAS workshop since 2014. She has been involved in the organization of international seminars such as the Dagstuhl seminar in 2008 (number 08361) entitled “Programming Multi-Agent Systems”; the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd International Workshop on Languages, methodologies, and Development tools for multi-agent systems (LADS'007 in Durham, LADS’009 in Turin, and LADS’010 in Lyon) and a series of international workshops (L-)MASTS (Multi-Agent Systems and Semantics) since 2009.

Scientific involvement in major conferences on Autonomous Agents, Multiagent Systems and Artificial Intelligence: Amal El Fallah Seghrouchni served as Track-chair @ AAMAS 2018 ; Finance chair @ AAMAS 2017 ; Co-chair of the “Innovative Applications” Track @ AAMAS 2015 ; local chair @ AAMAS 2014 –Paris (more than 800 participants) ; Area-Chair @ AAMAS 2009 ; Senior PC for ECAI 2016 and IJCAI 2017 ; Senior PC of AAMAS (2002 – 2008); General chair of the 10th International Symposium on Intelligent Distributed Computing - IDC'2016 ; PC co-chair @ IDC'2015; Vice co-chair of the international conference IEEE/ACM WI-IAT (Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology) for the two editions 2005 and 2006. She has also been involved in France in various activities related to research, expertise and animation. For instance, she was the president of the “Collège SMA de l’AFIA” from 2001 to 2011.

Publication: She has published 15 papers in international journals, 14 chapters in English, 138 in International Conferences; (co-)edited 16 books or post-proceedings. Other publications in national journal or French books have been done

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