Alessandra Stella

Alessandra Stella

Researcher at IBBA-CNR and Scientific Director of the PTP Science Park


Researcher at IBBA-CNR and Scientific Director of the PTP Science Park, obtained a degree from the University of Milan (1993) and M.Sc (1996) and Ph.D (2000) from the University of Guelph, Canada. Specializes in genetics, bioinformatics, and statistical genomics. Worked as an adjunct professor at the University of Guelph, Canada. Was a contract researcher at the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture. Worked as a researcher at the University of Madison, USA. Was the coordinator of the Bioinformatics group at the Fondazione Parco Tecnologico Padano. Has 25 years of experience in genetics, genomics, and molecular biology of agricultural species. Specifically, focuses on bioinformatic and biostatistical analysis for the interpretation of biological data (DNA, RNA, Proteins...). Participated, as a work-package coordinator, in 7 EU-FP7 projects and 3 H2020 projects, in addition to numerous national projects. Participated in genome sequencing projects for cattle, grapevine, and durum wheat. (Co)author of more than 80 publications in international journals.

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