Alessandra Sala

Alessandra Sala

Director of AI and Data Science at Shutterstock

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If artificial intelligence were a woman?

Director of AI and Data Science at Shutterstock Scientific and technological leader in artificial intelligence, Alessandra is the director of the AI and Data Science department at Shutterstock. With over ten years of experience in research and innovation gained by working in academic and commercial environments, Alessandra is passionate about analytics, privacy algorithms, artificial intelligence, and system automation for the digital industry, aiming to transfer innovation from research to market and society impact. In 2021, Alessandra received the International Technovisionary® Award: AI - Industrial Research Award from the Women and Technology association - Women&Tech. As the President of Women in AI (an international non-profit organization working towards gender-inclusive AI for the benefit of global society), Alessandra leads the association in supporting women and ethnic minorities to actively participate in AI development. Alessandra previously launched the Irish chapter of Women in AI where she, in collaboration with the Irish government, created an education program for women ( ) to develop practical skills for a career in artificial intelligence. In her previous role, Alessandra was the Head of Analytics Research at Nokia Bell Labs, where she led research groups in various European locations and participated in activities such as the Nokia AI Ethics Advisory Board.

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