Alessandra Brandone

Alessandra Brandone

Senior Private Banker @ Banca Generali


Married and mother of a daughter graduated in Architecture and well integrated in the world of work, for twenty-five years she has dedicated herself with great passion and commitment to financial planning and wealth management for clients at Banca Generali, in the role of Senior Private Banker. Graduated with full marks in Economics and Business, she taught economic and financial disciplines for five years at various Technical Commercial Institutes in the province of Savona, an extremely formative experience that strengthened her innate ability to communicate, but above all to listen with empathy.

The professional turning point is represented by accepting the role of Commercial Manager at La Fondiaria Assicurazioni, a completely new figure in the insurance world of those years, dedicated systematically to the selection and training of subagents, but also to the clustering of customers based on an analysis of their needs, a foundation for offering true consultancy services. In this context, he demonstrates his attitude to work in a team and proposes a change in paradigm in the business models adopted up to that moment by the insurance company.

But it is the financial world his true vocation: strong from the professional experience lived in the insurance world, he is ready to face financial consulting and in 1995, having passed the exam brilliantly, he is enrolled in the register of consultants. Constant commitment and training, but above all attention in managing the assets entrusted to her and focus on realizing the life projects of clients: these are the distinctive characteristics with which she measures herself daily with a profession that continues to give her great satisfaction.

In 2005, he obtained the EFA certification (European Financial Advisor), a testament to a continuous high-quality professional training process with a European background. Finally, for about ten years, he has been dedicated to organizing seminars on financial education and behavioral finance, as well as market outlook debates involving industry specialists.

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