Aida Turrini

Aida Turrini

First Technologist at the Council for Agricultural Research and Economics (CREA) - Food and Nutrition Research Center


Council for Agricultural Research and Economics - Research Center for Food and NUTrition (C.R.A.NUT. formerly INRAN).

Aida Turrini, First Technologist at the Council for Agricultural Research and Economics (CRA) - Food and Nutrition Research Center (formerly INRAN). She has gained significant experience in numerous national and international projects on food consumption issues in its various aspects related to nutrition. She contributed to the coordination of national food consumption studies conducted by the former INRAN in the periods 1980-84, 1994-96, and 2005-06. Managing food information is an important part of her research activity - food consumption, composition data, and food product databases; food classification and coding. The statistical processing of this data is aimed at estimating food patterns based on aspects of nutritional and food safety. She has teaching experience in university, post-university, and professional courses.

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