Adriana Albini

Adriana Albini

Extraordinary Professor of General Pathology at the University of Milano-Bicocca


Extraordinary Professor of General Pathology University of Milan-Bicocca

Adriana Albini is a Full Professor of General Pathology for the Department of Medicine and Surgery at the University of Bicocca, Scientific Director of the MultiMedica Onlus Foundation, and Director of the Laboratory of Vascular Biology and Angiogenesis at the IRCCS MultiMedica. From April 2012 to August 2015, she was the Director of the Complex Structure "Translational Research Laboratory" and Director of the Research-Statistics Department (I-RS) at the Arcispedale Santa Maria Nuova-IRCCS in Reggio Emilia.

She was Vice Director for Research until 2006, Head of the Department of Translational Oncology, and Director of the Molecular Oncology Laboratory at IST-IRCCS (National Institute for Cancer Research) in Genoa.

He has chaired the SIC, Italian Society of Cancerology, and is Editor of international journals. He is involved in oncological research, particularly in the tumor microenvironment and angiogenesis, cardiovascular toxicity of antineoplastic drugs, and pharmacological prevention with food derivatives. He has authored over 320 scientific publications and with an H-index= 83 (Scholar) is among the most cited Italian scientists worldwide and among the top 3 in the field of cancer research.

She is a member of the Technical Scientific Committee of the National Observatory on Women's Health (Onda), evaluator for ERC (European Research Council), and since 2018 she has been elected to the Board of Directors of AACR (American Association for Cancer Research), the most prestigious and oldest association for Cancer Research in the world. She has also been a member of the Technical Scientific Committee of AIRC. She has been a finalist in numerous national fencing master competitions and won the 2015 European Silver in Epee. She writes books and journalistic articles.

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