Adele Melucci

Adele Melucci

Corporate Advisory Analyst, Banca Generali

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ELLE Active! 2023 - The new female leadership

Adele Melucci joined Banca Generali in March 2022, where she currently holds the position of Analyst in the Wealth Management - Corporate Advisory team led by Maria Ameli. The team aims to provide entrepreneur clients with a complete range of products and services: strategic advice for extraordinary operations and capital raising, facilitated finance, credit services, debt advisory, and ESG advisory.

During his journey in the company, he also held the role of Analyst in the Equity Private Investments team, collaborating in scouting Italian and foreign SMEs with high technological content within the BG4Real project, which aims to connect private savings with the real economy.

Adele begins her academic career in Salerno, obtaining a degree in Economics and Management - Administration, Finance, and Control before moving to Milan in October 2021 to attend a master's program in Digital Innovation and Fintech at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart.

Determined, strongly motivated, and always open to discussion, Adele is passionate about music and cinema.

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