W.W.W. - Milan rewards the pink and inclusive side of digital

Ceremony for the delivery of certificates of attendance to the course to enhance female knowledge in the digital field, highly requested in the world of work

Monday 28th of November next, at 6:30 PM at the Chiostro Nina Vinchi of the Piccolo Teatro ( Via Rovello, 2 – Cordusio metro station ), the award ceremony for the 60 women who participated in the training course W.W.W. Women Web Works will take place.

At the delivery of the attendance certificates for the W.W.W. Women Web Works course, the Councillor Cristina Tajani ( Employment Policies and Productive Activities ) of the Municipality of Milan will be present, who has sponsored the project, which is free and replicable. Thanks are also extended to Barclays for supporting the project and Lenovo , the technological partner.

The W.W.W. Women Web Works course, which took place in the multimedia classrooms of the Cardarelli Comprehensive Institute, was born from an innovative social inclusion project promoted by the Association of Women and Technologies (www.donnetecnologie.org). The didactic-organizational model of the course - based on a methodology widely tested by Didael KTS in over 70 initiatives of digital innovation and inclusion to allow learning at one's own pace and learning styles ('What is it, how do you do it, try it yourself') - included frontal lessons, laboratory activities guided by facilitators, a community for in-depth analysis and sharing of work, and the use of a web-based environment to provide online support for learning and communication.

The 60 women ( mostly over 40, ranging from 23 to 66 years old, with little familiarity with the use of technological tools ) who participated in the course, will be able to transform the new skills learned in the digital field - thanks to a team composed of experienced teachers, a tutor, a facilitator, an educational coordinator, and a laboratory assistant - into new opportunities to access, or re-enter, the world of work.

Deputy Mayor for Employment Policies, Productive Activities and Commerce, Cristina Tajani declares: "The data show us an increasingly female, qualified, and 'agile' workforce in Milan, and as an Administration, we want to continue on this path focusing on training and reconciliation policies. In Milan, almost three-quarters of women are active because they work or are looking for employment, numbers that place our city at the forefront even compared to the European panorama. Milanese women, compared to female workers in the rest of the country, also excel in more professional profiles and this is where the centrality of training and continuous commitment to overcoming the 'digital divide' lies, experiences like the W.W.W. Women Web Works course highlight, also and above all from a perspective of collaboration between public and private sectors".

“Nine billion euros a year: according to a study by the European Commission, this is how much the European GDP could grow if female employment in the digital sector reached the high rates of male employment”, stated Gianna Martinengo, president of Didael KTS and founder of the Women and Technologies Association - “Increasing female professional participation in the digital field must become the priority of economic and social policy in our country: this is now also our challenge and the recently concluded project W.W.W. Women Web Works goes exactly in this direction”, Martinengo concluded.

We are very satisfied to have achieved the goal that this project launched together with Women and Technologies had set for itself. ” – added Alessandra Perrazzelli , Country Manager for Barclays Italy – “ not only W.W.W. Women Web Works is in line with what our group promotes globally, but it hits right at the heart of an increasingly emerging area of need in our country, as indicated by the latest studies and statistics on the world of work. For a financial institution like Barclays, it was an evident and concrete opportunity to contribute to the effort of providing a greater number of women with digital skills and thus accelerate gender equality in the world of work ”.

We at Lenovo are also very pleased to support the Association of Women and Technologies in this project, because it is in line with our commitment to promote inclusion and diversity, one of the distinctive features of our corporate culture. – commented Manuela Lavezzari , Marketing Director Lenovo EMEA (Europe, Middle East and Africa). “ Just recently, for example, we launched a campaign in EMEA, called #LenovoWomen, aimed at achieving a better gender balance in the world of technology, and particularly at Lenovo, where women already make up 35%, but - obviously - we still want more. ”.

In addition to the Councillor Tajani , the following will participate in the Certificate Award Ceremony: Alessandra Perrazzelli , Country Manager for Italy at Barclays, Maria Luisa Nolli , President of the Women and Technology Association, Gianna Martinengo , project creator, Elizabeth Camerini , HR Chief Of Staff, Business & Project Management at Barclays, Manuela Lavezzari and Guido Terni from Lenovo.

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