Women&Tech presents the project "T-Being networks in the global village"

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Monday, November 26, 2018 - 6:30 PM - Cinema Plinius Multisala (Milan)

Milan, November 16, 2018 – The Women&Tech Association - Women and Technologies presents a new and innovative project for families and young people: "T-being networks in the global village"

In the age of hyper-connectivity, the communities in which we live modify their structure and social relationships, just as new dynamics, in constant evolution, are established in the family.

With "Being networks in the global village," the Association aims to research and share new languages and new methods to support dialogue within families and establish "connections" using technology as a means of aggregation. The project will be developed in the coming months with TalkEvents, Literary Aperitifs, Meetings and Conferences, and direct Experiences with parents and children.

The first appointment for the presentation to the public and media of the new project will be on Monday, November 26, 2018 at 6:30 PM at Cinema Plinius Multisala in Milan (viale Abruzzi 28): on this occasion, the theme of the parent/child relationship will be addressed with journalist Giorgio Terruzzi, author of the novel "Quando ridi. Parole sussurrate a una figlia", followed by the screening of the film "Come diventare grandi nonostante i genitori" by director Luca Lucini.

The project was conceived and developed by a working team composed of Associates from prominent companies with experience in the fields of welfare, communication, technology, legal, and HR. The team was expertly led by the new President of the Association, Olga Iarussi, with the active contribution of the Founder of Women&Tech, Gianna Martinengo.

"In today's global village, being parents is not just being fathers and mothers" - stated Olga Iarussi - "but entering a networked community that presupposes the ability to relate to a complex social, cultural, and work context, which requires skills that are constantly evolving. Our goal is to connect the themes of debate in a deep path of information, training, and communication using technology as a means of aggregation and dialogue. I therefore thank all the friends of the Association who have collaborated in bringing this new project to life, which we will make grow more and more in the coming months."

Women&Tech - Women and Technologies Association was founded in 2009 by an idea of Gianna Martinengo, shared by a network of companies and individuals who offer their skills to carry out its mission. To enhance female talent in technology, innovation, and scientific research, promote projects and actions aimed at combating stereotypes and gender discrimination, contribute to the orientation of young people towards the jobs of the future and sustainable business models. From 2009 to today, the Association has conceived and implemented 140 projects, events, and conferences (involving an audience of about 18,500 people) in partnership with private and public entities. It has involved 250 members from Italian and foreign universities, international research centers, laboratories, and scientific departments, scholars, academics, public authorities, and companies, 360 speakers from 16 different countries, 105 Technovisionary awards presented. More than 400 press operators involved and 75 articles in the last 3 years. The portal www.womentech.eu, the main cross-media communication tool for all promoted initiatives: 155,000 accesses, 104,000 visitors. 411,000 pages viewed. Social media channels (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Linkedin, Youtube) 8,000 contacts, 250,000 views.

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