Women in Health - Towards a circular medicine: the lesson of COVID

Women&Tech®, with the support of Assobiotec and the patronage of AFI

organizes the Webinar

"Towards a circular medicine: the lesson of COVID"

September 28, at 2:00 PM, Zoom platform

Milan, September 22, 2020 - The healthcare sector is growing and developing thanks to the active presence of women, who hold prominent roles both in research and in industry. Their skills make them stand out for the effectiveness and ethics of their work, as confirmed by the management of issues related to COVID-19.

With research becoming increasingly interdisciplinary and circular, encompassing not only the world of sciences, but also institutions and industry, there is a pressing demand to bring out and tell the new scenarios to women, simultaneously enhancing the results obtained by them.

On the occasion of the European Biotech Week (EBW) which is taking place this year from September 28th to October 4th, Women&Tech®, with the support of Assobiotec and the sponsorship of AFI, organizes, starting at 2:00 PM, the Webinar entitled "Towards a circular medicine: the lesson of COVID".

"This is an event - explains Maria Luisa Nolli , former President of Women&Tech® and responsible for the Biotech and Health areas - in which the protagonist is the female world, always at the forefront in finding new solutions, even revolutionary ones, for the health sector."

The webinar will address topics such as the revolution in medicine, with particular reference to new diagnostic drugs for the treatment of unmet medical needs; the contribution of biotech to new medical solutions. The relationship between ethics and science will be discussed in the keynote lecture by Professor Elena Cattaneo, Senator of the Republic, while the management of the Covid emergency, with the very important role played by Italy in the study and isolation of the virus, will be addressed by Dr. Maria Capobianchi from the Spallanzani Institute in Rome.

"With this Webinar - Maria Luisa Nolli concludes - our Association also intends to strongly demonstrate how the female universe brings innovations for diagnostic and therapeutic solutions that are essential at this time to understand and manage the health emergency stemming from Sars-CoV-2."

"As Women&Tech - explains Gianna Martinengo, President and Founder of Women&Tech® - we are very sensitive to the ethical dimension of the choices made in all sciences that contribute to their development. We believe that progress for all humanity cannot be separated from respect for the dimension of the human being, understood precisely as its humanity."

Precious, in this regard, are the words expressed by Professor Cattaneo: "I would like research to always proceed together with its ethical dimension, starting from funding. Devoting one's life to science means researching in a third, competent, and transparent way (otherwise it would not be science). It would be enough for each scholar to make adherence to scientifically verified data and evidence their flag, both at the lab bench and in the public sphere, always emphasizing the distinction between facts and opinions."

The webinar, lasting two hours, is aimed at women, and not only, who work in the field of medical sciences applied to industry and also to all enthusiasts of medicine and medical sciences.

Webinar Agenda

  • Welcome greetings:
    • Professor Donatella Taramelli, University of Milan
  • Introduction
    • Maria Luisa Nolli, CEO of NCNBio
  • Keynote Lecture: Ethics and Science
    • Prof. Elena Cattaneo, University of Milan, Senator of the Republic
    • Presented by : Paola Minghetti UniMi
  • The revolution in medicine: new diagnostic drugs for the treatment of unmet medical needs
    • Presents : Fernanda Gellona GM Confindustria medical devices
    • Speaker: Loredana Bergamini - Medical Director JJ
  • The contribution of biotechnology
    • Presents : Maria Luisa Nolli W&T NCNbio
    • Speaker: Rita Cataldo - CEO of Takeda Italy
  • Management of the COVID emergency and the new boost to research
    • Presents : Maria Carafa
    • Speaker: Maria Capobianchi - Spallanzani Institute, Rome
  • Conclusions
    • Gianna Martinengo - President WT
    • Maria Pia Abbracchio - Vice Rector Uni Mi

The event, which will take place on the Zoom platform, can be followed upon registration (free).

For more information and to register https://www.womentech.eu/evento/women-health

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