Women in health biotech: a long journey through Science, Clinic, Entrepreneurship, and Market.

Women in health biotech: a long journey through Science, Clinical, Entrepreneurship, and Market

September 26, 2019, from 9:30 AM to 1:00 PM, Room C03

University of Milan - Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences (DISFARM), - Via L. Mangiagalli 25

We are experiencing a revolutionary moment in the world of medicine with significant positive consequences on human health. The biotechnologies, with new drugs based on macromolecules and cells, are meeting a demand for treatment for unresolved conditions with traditional drugs.

In this context of radical innovation, women are protagonists with an interdisciplinary approach, creating unparalleled value in various sectors that encompass the entire chain of development of new drugs and technologies.

The event aims to offer a diverse range of interlocutors, from academia, industry, to institutions, with a particular focus on young people, testimonials from women who have contributed and continue to contribute at various levels to this all-Italian excellence that transcends national borders and is recognized internationally.


9.30 – 9.50: Registration

9.50 - 10.00: Institutional greetings

Professor Maria Pia Abbracchio, Vice-Rector of the University of Milan, and Professor Marina Carini, Deputy Rector for the third mission, territory, and cultural activities, University of Milan, will be speaking.

10.00 – 11.15: Round table "From Research to Clinic"

Will attend Loredana Bergamini , Medical Director J&J (Janssen Pharma); Paola Testori Coggi , European Parliament; Concetta Quintarelli , Head R&D Ospedale Bambin Gesù Rome; Researcher UNIMI

Moderator: Maria Luisa Nolli , co-founder and CEO of NCNbio

11.30 – 12.45: Round table "From Clinic to Market"

Speakers: Marta Bertolaso , Professor "Logic and Philosophy of Science" at the Campus Bio-Medico University of Rome, Editor in Chief of the Springer Series "Human perspectives in health sciences and technology"; Rita Cataldo , CEO of Takeda Italia; Fernanda Gellona , Director General of Confindustria Medical Devices; Sara Trifari , Researcher at Molmed.

Moderator: Professor Paola Minghetti , Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences - University of Milan

12.45 – 12.55: Final greetings

Gianna Martinengo, Founder and President of Didael KTS, Creator of Women&Technologies®.

The initiative is proposed within the context of the BIOTECH WEEK, a week of events and meetings worldwide to showcase biotechnologies to a wide and diverse audience, emphasizing the key role that biotech has and will increasingly have in improving the quality of our lives. The 2019 edition will take place from Monday, September 23 to Sunday, September 29.

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