Video games, from passion to profession!

Women&Tech, in partnership with Microsoft, launches the 2018 edition of FutureCamp Europe Digital dedicated to the jobs of the future. The event is part of the Milan Digital Week schedule.

What will be the professions of the future? How can we already tell them to children, instilling inspirations and "visions"? Is it possible for a passion to become a profession and express the potential inherent in young people? And furthermore: how can we "read" the changes that occur in the world of professions thanks to technological innovation, in order to build work profiles suitable for the market?

The answers to these questions, proposed to children and parents, will be provided by Women&Tech-Association of Women and Technologies, in partnership with Microsoft.

Saturday, March 17th in Milan,
starting at 2:30 PM
at the Microsoft Italia Showroom (Viale Pasubio 21)
on the occasion of "FutureCamp Europe Digital: the professions of video games"

The event is part of the Milano Digital Week, which takes place from March 15 to 18.

At FutureCamp Europe, created by the founder of Women&Tech, entrepreneur Gianna Martinengo, is an annual event that, starting in 2010, explores the European professional scenarios to build bridges between the evolution of companies and the aspirations of young people, with a particular focus on biotechnologies, environmental sustainability, and ICT.

In line with the events that will transform the Lombard metropolis into a meeting point for knowledge and expertise supported and shared through digital means, FutureCamp Europe Digital will focus on video games in this edition, considered not only as a form of entertainment, but as a market capable of generating and absorbing new jobs and truly fostering the interest of younger generations.

"Video games - explains the creator of FutureCamp Europe and founder of Women&Tech, Gianna Martinengo - also means ideation, industrial development, augmented reality, networks for gaming or online, language and narrative style. Products and services that can open up new market opportunities and cultivate the passions and motivations already present in young people. Intercepting these new trends is necessary in order to transform them into growth opportunities for the industry, the country, and the new generations searching for a future."

The afternoon includes a series of interventions followed by a moment of interaction between the speakers and the young people, and a surprise challenge activity featuring Xbox consoles. At the end of the afternoon, gadgets will be distributed to all participants.

The young people - all aged between 10 and 14 years old - will listen to Gianna Martinengo speak about "Videogames: new skills and professions of the future"; Marco Accordi Rickards, Director of Vigamus - The Video Game Museum of Rome, will instead talk about "History and evolution of video games". Marcello Marchetti, Microsoft tech evangelist, will instead tell "How to create video games, what market exists and how to use them consciously".

The question-answer part will be led by Micaela Romanini, from the Vigamus Foundation.

"We want -" continues Gianna Martinengo - "that young people can 'touch with their hands' the job opportunities related to technological innovation. We want to offer examples and concrete paths, so that the future can become, for the young professionals of the future, something rewarding, interesting, fun. A concrete possibility of achievement, which can start right away, with the right choices in terms of educational path."

Participation in FutureCamp Europe 2018 edition is free, registration is required, to be done at the address

FutureCamp Europe in summary

The FutureCamp Europe project is promoted by Women&Tech - Association of Women and Technologies. Among the association's main objectives are guiding young people towards future professions and sustainable entrepreneurial models, recognizing the female contribution to the economy and society of our country, and promoting projects and actions aimed at overcoming stereotypes.

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