Twelve female talents will receive the International Technovisionary® Award 2023, now in its 17th edition.

On June 5th, the awards ceremony for female excellences who have distinguished themselves with their professionalism in the Energy and Environment sector will be held in Rome.

Choosing them a Jury composed of experts from the academic world, science, innovation, and culture.

Milan, May 30, 2023 - Talent, ingenuity, genius, intelligence, creativity, intuition, inspiration, positivity, are some of the characteristics that identify the candidates of this seventeenth edition of the Technovisionary® award - conceived by Gianna Martinengo, Founder of Women&Tech® ETS - Association of Women and Technologies - which this year focuses on "Energy and Environment".

The rationale for this choice appears clear: in a historical phase where the cost of energy has skyrocketed uncontrollably, supply security has returned to be the priority and business productivity must bring the economic and social benefits of the ecological transition, the role of women is still marginal .

It is no coincidence that the first edition of the World Energy Employment Report compiled by the International Energy Agency (IEA) reveals that employment in the energy sector - approximately 2% of the total workforce, equivalent to over sixty-five million people - is recovering worldwide and is set to grow, but also highlights that women are significantly underrepresented. Despite accounting for 39% of global employment, women in the energy sectors make up only 16% of the total. And, as in employment, women also constitute a very small percentage of senior management in energy: just under 14% on average.

The 12 professionals who will be awarded in Rome on Monday, June 5th, will be the next TechVisionaries: they perform different jobs but are united by common values such as competence and determination, sensitivity and a full understanding of the market and global trends. Women who surpass cultural boundaries every day aiming to accelerate the growth of the energy industry while respecting environmental goals, so that progress and its benefits are accessible to all.

"The presence of a greater number of women in the energy and environmental sector is essential to address current and future challenges related to the sustainability of the planet," declares Gianna Martinengo, Founder of Women&Tech® ETS - Women and Technology Association and creator of the Award . "This sector is characterized by complex problems that require innovative and inclusive solutions, and the contribution of women is essential to achieve significant results, enrich discussions and decisions in the field of energy and the environment. Furthermore, women often play a central role in the management of natural resources and sustainability within their communities. Their skills in community organization and leadership can be fundamental in implementing clean energy projects, water resource management, and other environmental initiatives, involving local communities, promoting a people-centered approach, and ensuring that the benefits of transitioning to a sustainable economy are equitably distributed."

The Jury of the International Technovisionary® Award 2023 is composed of:

Diana Bracco , President and CEO of the Bracco Group and President of the Bracco Foundation - Daniela Aleggiani , Vice President of the 3M Foundation - Deborah Chiodoni , Press Office Director, National Museum of Science and Technology Leonardo da Vinci in Milan - Gianna Martinengo , President of Didael KTS, President and Founder of Women & Technologies® - Franca Melfi , Director of the Multidisciplinary Center for Robotic Surgery, Pisa University Hospital - Emilia Rio , People Organization and Change, Terna Group - Patrizia Rutigliano , LUISS Business School, Adjunct Professor - Federica Villa , Head of the Presidency and Institutional Relations at the Milan Chamber of Commerce

The award ceremony will take place on Monday, June 5th at 6:00 PM at the Associazione Civita - Piazza Venezia, 11 in Rome and will be by invitation only .

It is possible to attend the event online by registering at this link .

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Women&Tech - Women and Technologies ETS , was born in 1999 as a social responsibility project by Gianna Martinengo developed within Didaelkts, the company she founded. In 2009 Women&Tech® becomes an association shared by a network of companies and individuals who provide their skills to achieve its mission. The objectives of the Association are: to enhance female talent in scientific research, technology, innovation; promote projects and actions aimed at combating stereotypes and gender discrimination; contribute to guiding young people towards future professions, including sustainable entrepreneurial models. In 2022 Women&Tech acquires the qualification of Third Sector Entity (ETS) thus formalizing the values and transparency that have always characterized the initiatives developed for companies, institutions, and universities, carrying out sustainability projects, inclusion, human capital enhancement, diversity, and much more. Gianna Martinengo is an entrepreneur, a humanist by education and a technologist by choice. Her vision of science and technologies has always focused on the individual and their needs, making them accessible to everyone and suitable for promoting sustainable development.




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[1] 2022

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