T-BEING, pre-adolescent children, is the tsunami coming? And the adults?

On December 10th appointment with the psychotherapist Alberto Pellai

When, in the family, children reach around 12-13 years old, the calm sea begins to get agitated and on the horizon a real tsunami is brewing. Outside of the meteorological metaphor, pre-adolescence is simply arriving, a "middle phase in a middle-earth" where boys are searching for their own definition and identity and adults try to be supportive and guiding.

How do you manage the arrival of this tsunami? Are there - for adults - tips to follow, or rules to apply?

How important is it to keep all channels of communication open between parents and children? And if they no longer understand each other, what new tools can be put in place to facilitate the passage through such a particular age?

Alberto Pellai, a medical doctor and psychotherapist specializing in child development, author of numerous bestsellers for parents, educators, and young people, will answer these questions on Tuesday, December 10, at the T-ESSERE event, organized by Women&Tech, Association of Women and Technologies.

The event, entitled "Pre-adolescent children: incoming tsunami", will take place starting at 6:15 PM, at the Dazio Art Cafè in Milan (Piazza XXIV Maggio) and will be moderated by journalist Elena Giordano.

During the evening, Alberto Pellai will talk about the world of adolescents and also that of adults and parents, drawing inspiration from the contents of his numerous volumes (written with Barbara Tamborini) dedicated to the theme, including "The Compass of Emotions. From anger to happiness, emotions told to children", the brand new "A Song For You 50 timeless songs to overcome life's challenges" (released in October by De Agostini), and "The age of the tsunami - How to survive a pre-adolescent child" which gives the title to the event.

"This meeting of T-BEING - comments the Founder of Women&Tech, Gianna Martinengo - aims to bring together two generations and two different worlds. Adults and children, parents and children are not opposing contenders, but protagonists of a sometimes heated dialogue, which needs to be supported and should never be interrupted. Dr. Pellai, who with his books helps people understand the emotions they are experiencing, will give us new perspectives for mutual confrontation and listening".

“The invitation to participate in this evening – specifies Olga Iarussi, President of Women&Tech - is addressed to adults and parents: we promise an interesting, lively, and stimulating evening. An evening in which to get involved, in the active and proactive perspective that characterizes all the events of the Association”.

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