The Technovisionaries 2015: women who see the future

Women can bring benefits in every entrepreneurial and innovative field, thanks to their ability to look to the future, make sustainable choices both for their own work environment and for future generations. And above all, for their positive ability to bring "diversity" into traditional fields.
Milan, April 28, 2015 - Here are the names of the Tecnovisionarie® 2015 , the women who contribute to bringing innovation to society, who will be awarded on the next May 6 at the National Museum of Science and Technology "Leonardo da Vinci" in Milan , in the presence of representatives from the world of business, university, public administration, personalities from the scientific world, and the media.
The jury of the International Award "The Technovisionaries®" has identified nine, with profiles of excellence. In common they have the vision on the themes of innovation, food, health, and sustainability, also in coherence with the topics that will be protagonists of Expo Milano 2015.
This year, the thematic awards for nutrition, health, environmental, cultural and social sustainability, and innovation have been awarded to Claudia Sorlini, Daniela Aleggiani, Annamaria Testa, Carlotta Sami, and Jessica Astolfi. Journalist Cinzia Sasso is awarded for the media, Loriana Abbruzzetti for the territory, and Tiziana Primori for the best CEO. The Special Europe Award will be presented to Catherine Ladousse, while the Expo Women Global Forum International Award will be given to Emma Bonino.
At the award ceremony for the Technovisionary Prize, representatives from the business world, universities, public administration, personalities from the scientific community, and the media will participate at the National Museum of Science and Technology "Leonardo da Vinci".
The "Tecnovisionarie®" Award and the Expo Women Global Forum®
The award "Le Tecnovisionarie®" was established in 2009 and is part of the Expo Women Global Forum® schedule (, a series of initiatives related to Expo 2015 but focused on themes related to innovation projects promoted by women. It will be present with initiatives outside of Expo and within the Italy Pavilion and the Europe Pavilion. The recognition aims to highlight female talent in technology, innovation, and scientific research, promote projects and actions aimed at combating stereotypes and gender discrimination, contribute to guiding young people towards future professions and sustainable entrepreneurial models.
The Jury, composed of Diana Bracco (President and CEO of the Bracco Group and President and Commissioner General of the Italian Pavilion - EXPO 2015), Deborah Chiodoni (Director of External Relations and Press, Museum of Science and Technology Leonardo da Vinci, Milan), Laura La Posta (Editor-in-Chief of "Il Sole 24 Ore", responsible for the insert Rapporti), Gianna Martinengo (Deputy Vice President of Fondazione Fiera Milano, Entrepreneur and creator of the award), Patrizia Rutigliano (President of Ferpi and Director of Institutional Relations and Communication at Snam) and Federica Villa (Manager of the Presidency and Institutional Relations of the Chamber of Commerce of Milan), qualified individuals in the thematic areas of the different competition categories and representatives of the world of culture and communication.
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