The Innovation Tram of Women & Technologies® has set off again among Artificial Intelligence, blockchain, mediation, and new mobility.

The upcoming sessions are tomorrow and Thursday,
always live streaming on the Association's portal

The Tram of Innovation, an event organized by Women&Tech-Association of Women and Technologies as part of the Milan Digital Week, departed this morning with extreme punctuality. While in previous years the event was hosted on a historic Carrelli tram, this year, due to the epidemic, everything has moved online and the Tram made its first "stops" today (the next ones will be tomorrow and Thursday), hosting eight experts who discussed various technological themes, all related to the sharing of open experiences (open innovation, open access, open source). The speeches, two in the morning and two in the afternoon, were moderated by journalist Debora Rosciani from Radio 24 Il Sole 24 Ore.

This first day started with a very important number of users: almost 300 people participated in each of the four sessions, interacting with the speakers. In this edition, it is possible to send your questions through the Facebook channels of both Women&Tech and the event's partner companies (3M, A2A, AB Medica, Camera Arbitrale di Milano, Dassault Systemes, DKTS, Faber System, Fondazione AEM, Banca Generali Private, Here Technologies, Banca Mediolanum, Oracle and Telepass).

Today the following speakers took the floor:

Stefano A. Cerri (Vice President R&D Didael KTS - Distinguished Fellow; Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Trento, Italy - Emeritus Professor of Informatics; LIRMM; Un. Montpellier, France) addressed the topic of "Components and functions in intelligence (artificial)" and explained the need to understand "how" AI operates to make the most of its opportunities (and ethically).

Demetrio Migliorati (Innovation Manager & Head of Blockchain Program, Banca Mediolanum) dedicated himself to the theme of "Blockchain explained to grandma", helping the attendees understand what this system is, what it has to do with cryptocurrencies, and what future applications there may be for the banking and insurance system (therefore also for customers).

Nicola Giudice and Mario Dotti (Conciliation Service of the Arbitration Chamber of Milan), in their session, have focused on "Mediation to restart in a smart and sustainable way." Successfully adopted within the courts, mediation can be, especially in a period of strong change like the one we are experiencing, an ally to quickly adapt to new situations and make truly sustainable choices.

Davide Cervellin, Chief Marketing & Data Officer at Telepass, has the task of closing the first day of the Innovation Tram journey with the intervention "Telepass and Mobility", with a look towards what awaits us in the post-Covid19 phase. Mobility will also need to be rethought and Telepass has already outlined its horizons: green, safe, clean mobility.

The live broadcasts on May 27th and 28th can be followed every day, starting at 10 am and 2 pm directly on Facebook , YouTube or on the home page of the Women&Tech portal .
To interact with the speakers, you can ask your questions in the chat next to the live stream on Facebook and YouTube, or by sending them to the address .

All recordings of the sessions will also be available, at the end of the event, on the YouTube channel of the Association .

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