The third edition of the Tram of Innovation outlines the future that awaits us

Great success of virtual audience for the Milan Digital Week event organized by Women&Technologies.

Smart mobility, sustainability, new services derived from Artificial Intelligence, digital transformation; resilience, because the attitude towards change, even sudden, will be what distinguishes "the future that awaits us". These concepts have accompanied and animated the three days of the Innovation Tram, the event with which Women&Technologies, Women and Technology Association, participated in the latest, all-digital edition of Milan Digital Week.

The appointment with the different "stops" of the Tram, which closed today, was exceptional not only for the numbers it gathered (over 5,000 views on the 12 sessions, on Facebook, YouTube, and the Association's portal), but also for the high level of interactivity it expressed.

Hosted and moderated by Radio 24 journalist from Il Sole 24 Ore, Debora Rosciani, each speech was enriched by audience questions and considerations, allowing them to interact with specialists through the chat of various social media platforms involved.

Today's day, particularly rich in content and guests, has seen the participation of:

Professor Alberto Martinelli (President of Fondazione AEM - Gruppo A2A) and Luca Cavalletto (Asset Management Manager of Unareti) with the presentation "Networks at the service of citizens", explained how electricity and gas distribution networks are well integrated in our cities and are already enabled for a green future, from electric mobility to the use of biofuels.

Guido Porro (CEO, Dassault Systèmes Italy), with the intervention "Sustainability and resilience: good technology must be for everyone or it is not good. Real cases to replicate" explained how, in addition to terms now commonly used such as AI, IoT, Industry 4.0, Machine Learning, Big Data, the real revolution already underway is linked to particularly innovative technological platforms that can help everyone to think in an increasingly green perspective.

Sara Ricciardi (Researcher at the University of Pisa) and Franca Melfi (currently Professor of Thoracic Surgery at the Medical School of the University of Pisa and Chair of the Robotic Multidisciplinary Centre for Surgery - Thoracic MIS and Robotic surgery at the University Hospital of Pisa) have directed the path of the Tram towards the world of healthcare, through the intervention entitled: "Hospital 4.0: technological evolution in robotic surgery", explaining how it is already possible today to adopt minimally invasive surgical approaches in the treatment of lung cancer, thanks to a robotic platform.

In the last group intervention, Andrea Barbieri (Business Developer Banca Generali), Ida Cacciapaglia (Social Media Manager, Homepal), Marco Mottolese (Co-founder and CEO, Foorban), Palma Cusenza (Advisor, Banca Generali), Giulia Di Capua (Advisor, Banca Generali), with the speech "Banca Generali's initiatives to support the real economy", explained how the bank is committed to supporting and enhancing the Italian entrepreneurial fabric, also through the two concrete cases that were featured during the live broadcast.

"We are extremely satisfied," comments the President of Women&Technologies and creator of the initiative, Gianna Martinengo, "for having brought the Innovation Tram to life again this year and for demonstrating how, in conditions of 'different normality', technologies allow access to valuable content: it is a world that has quickly redesigned itself, asking us not to waste time. The Association's Tram made its way among the 500 events of Milano Digital Week, standing out for the quality of the speakers involved and the relevance of the topics discussed, which have helped us to shape the future of our cities, homes, and services, even more so in the post-Coronavirus era. I can only conclude by thanking the partners who supported the initiative, 3M, A2A, AB Medica, Camera Arbitrale di Milano, Dassault Systemes, DKTS, Faber System, Fondazione AEM, Banca Generali Private, Here Technologies, Banca Mediolanum, Oracle, and Telepass, and inviting everyone to join us next year."

All session recordings will also be available, at the end of the event, on the YouTube channel of the Association .

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