The Tecnovisionarie® have their website

The International Tecnovisionarie® Award, awarded annually to women who, in their professional activities, demonstrate vision, prioritizing social impact, transparency in behavior, and ethics, promoted by Women&Tech - Women and Technologies Association, has had a dedicated website for a few weeks now at the address

It's a brand new logo, designed by Pat Carra, in the themes of white and red, in which the term "Tecnovisionarie" is enclosed in a sort of screen with a small moon displayed. Two hands point inside the screen, confirming the importance of observing what truly deserves attention.

Until last year, information about the Prize and its many editions (we have reached the XIV), were contained within the portal of the Association, .

The site contains all the information related to the current edition of the Prize: it presents the Jury, composed of representatives from the thematic areas of the different competition categories, from the world of culture and communication; it details the contents and the chosen theme.

A section of the site hosts the precious heritage consisting of the list of all the award winners from previous editions, accompanied by photographic and video material.

The search for individual protagonists can also be carried out in a dedicated section, choosing between different years, jury members, award presenters, and award winners.

The website of the Award is completed with the section related to articles and news both generated by the Association and shared by other newspapers or other media outlets.

Ready for the call for the 2020 edition

The 2020 edition of the International Technovisionary® Award has as its theme "Interpreting the circular economy through innovation." As explained by President Gianna Martinengo directly on the website: "We know that the future will depend on how much we can do in terms of scientific research and innovation to drive new processes that do more with less, developing a global economy, respecting climate situations in creating a better world through technology and inspiring people in their behaviors.

This is why it is crucial to reflect on the circular economy in its various phases: procurement, design, production, distribution, use, collection, recycling.

Within the "2020 Edition" section, those who wish can nominate their Technovisionary by filling out the appropriate form. Nominations for the 14th edition of the 2020 Prize can be made online by March 31, 2020.

The award ceremony will take place on June 15th in Milan: this edition will also be hosted by the Regional Council in the beautiful setting of the Belvedere Jannacci, on the 31st floor of Palazzo Pirelli.

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