The new professions as an opportunity for empowerment for women and young people

The commitment of Women&Tech-Association Women and Technologies towards skills that can turn into professionalism
that will be required by the world of work.

The workshops designed for #STEMintheCity

Milan, April 10, 2017 - On the occasion of the #STEMintheCity month, promoted by the Municipality of Milan (to "Raise awareness among young people about digital culture and encourage girls to study technical-scientific subjects"), Women&Tech-Association Women and Technologies photographs the state of the art of its long-standing commitment in the field of enhancing the professions of the future, with specific reference to young people and women.

The Association has always worked on the concepts of empowerment, networking, sharing experiences and skills analysis, and above all on innovation, both technological and beyond. Gianna Martinengo, founder of Women&Tech-Association of Women and Technologies, supports: "Whether it's technology, sustainability, inclusion, human capital, skills, life science, art, culture, creativity, gender gap, or diversity, we have always tried to find solutions and tools to make tomorrow already present: this is not just a metaphor, but concrete activities, with significant numbers: think of the 50 events and projects, 400 interventions, 350 protagonists, and 12 thousand people involved, developed from 2009 to today. Particular attention has always been paid to the study of what would then become the jobs of the future, in order to transform new skills into opportunities for professional growth, especially for women and young people."

The overall project "Women & Technologies 2008-2020", the common thread of all initiatives, includes international conferences; Talk-Event; the Technovisionary Award; orientation paths for students "Future Camp Europe", which have led young people to discover new professions related to genetics, agriculture, nanotechnologies, robotics, biotech, green economy, nutrition, and new materials. ®

A not only STEM approach

"A concept that we really care about, in the cultural economy that we intend to promote with our initiatives -" explains Gianna Martinengo "- is that of SteAm: we believe, in fact, that it is necessary to go beyond STEM, to involve, in processes, in studies, in the improvement of skills, also all that world indicated by the English term 'Arts', which in Italian can be translated as Humanities. The progress of knowledge will occur, in fact, more and more, integrating all sciences, that is all approaches, both mathematical-scientific and cultural-humanistic."

ROBOTLAB for #STEMintheCity

Women&Tech-Association Women and Technologies has contributed to #STEMintheCity - which is taking place in these weeks - with two moments of digital education. The first, "ROBOTLAB: educational robotics with LEGO Education WeDo 2.0", took place on April 4th and involved 25 elementary school students, who were able to build mechanized models with LEGO bricks and bring them to life through coding.

The second appointment is instead scheduled for April 27. "ROBOTLAB: Cubetto", which will be held at the Civic Aquarium of the city, will involve 25 primary school students, who will work with Cubetto, a wooden robot, that will teach them the basics of programming through games and adventures. In the same workshop, the kids will also experiment with Mechanical Straws, magnetic modules that unleash creativity (as they can be assembled in any way).

Appuntamento a Cernobbio con la decima edizione de Le Tecnovisionarie ® 2017

Every year, Women&Tech-Association of Women and Technologies enhances women's skills through the award The Technovisionaries, which is awarded to women who possess an innovative, sustainable, and ethical vision of their profession. The award, after having awarded 70 prizes and received 850 nominations, has reached its tenth edition this year. ®

The important anniversary will be celebrated on May 19th at Villa Erba, in Cernobbio (CO), and will be titled "Creativity and Innovation". Along with the Tecnovisionarie 2017, the women who have been awarded in past editions will also be celebrated. ®

"A circle is closed - specifies President Maria Luisa Nolli - which actually only expands its scope. From here, in fact, we start again, to tell with even more strength solidarity, commitment, the desire to enhance female talent in all its expressions, personal and professional."

For more information on the Award,

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