The future that awaits us... travels by tram

The future that awaits us... travels by tram

Success for the fourth edition of "The Tram of Innovation"
by Women&Tech - Women and Technology Association
at the Milan Digital Week

11 hours of live streaming broadcast; 18 speakers, 10 of whom are women; two presenters, hundreds of users connected to delve into the themes of sustainability and digital technology on the 18th and 19th of March. The fourth edition of The Innovation Tram has just concluded with these numbers and great public success, an initiative by Women&Tech-Association of Women and Technologies conceived by President Gianna Martinengo .

An event that has enhanced the concurrent Milan Digital Week, The Innovation Tram this year aimed to specialize its content even further, to push for a truly high-quality knowledge and create a virtuous circle among all the topics "brought on the journey": among these Smart Cities, Hospital 4.0, Ecosystems, Artificial Intelligence, Fintech, Mobility .

The two-day live event, which users were able to follow on Facebook and YouTube, featured participants such as 3M, A2A, AB Medica, Dassault Systèmes, Gruppo Econocom, Banca Generali, Green Network Group, Banca Mediolanum, Oracle, Sap, and Zoom, proved to be an incredible opportunity to share with the citizens projects and values on which to build the city of the future.

"We can consider the Tram of Innovation - explains Gianna Martinengo - as a living laboratory in continuous evolution, which intercepts year after year the transformations and tries to tell them through the voices of protagonists from many sectors, from energy to finance, from health to technology. Inclusion, sustainability, equity are our 'guiding lights', in this changing world, to which the pandemic has given a sudden acceleration" .

"As Women&Tech, we are also truly happy - complete - to have put together a panel of speakers evenly distributed between women and men. A demonstration that gender quotas are not necessary: it is sufficient to highlight the female skills that are around us, well present and shining brightly."

In thanking all the speakers, participants, and associates who have contributed to the organization of the event, President Martinengo not only confirms the intention to continue the experience in 2022, but also hopes that we can finally return "in person", to engage with citizens on the Tram Carrelli 1928 truly moving through the streets of Milan.

The videos of the 2021 edition of "Il Tram dell’Innovazione" are already available as on-demand content on the website

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