The best snack? Bread and olive oil.

The e-learning project, curated by PANDOLEA and CLIOedu, will be presented in Rome on June 23rd to teach young people about healthy eating and the culture of olive oil.

Rome, June 17, 2015 A educational project on healthy eating and the culture of olive oil aimed at students in the last three grades of primary school. It is " Bruschetta or Snack? ", the training plan - devised by PANDOLEA, an association that brings together producers of extra virgin olive oil and women linked to the world of olive oil, and developed by CLIOedu, the editorial component of the company CLIO S.p.A., specialized in innovative digital services for training, in collaboration with Giunti Scuola and under the patronage of the Italian Pavilion Expo2015 - which will be presented in Rome on the next June 23rd, at 3:30 pm, at the Information Office in Italy of the European Parliament. The initiative will be attended by Members of the European Parliament. Paolo De Castro e Silvia Costa , Loriana Abbruzzetti (President PANDOLEA), Gabriele Conte (CLIOedu) Eugenio Del Toma (specialist in Food Science and Gastroenterology), Ersilia Troiano (president ANDID), Andrea Chiaramonti (Giunti Scuola) Patrizia Galeazzo (P.M. School project Pavilion Italy), Mario Rusconi (vice president ANP) and Alberto Grimelli (Natural Theater).

"Bruschetta or Snack?" is an interactive learning project divided into three modules with different themes and target audiences: the first one, " Olive oil in 360° ", curated by the experts of PANDOLEA, is aimed at the educational development of teachers participating in the project; the second one, " Nutrition is learned at school ", curated by Professor Eugenio Del Toma, is intended for classroom activities under the coordination of teachers and includes individual and collective tests to assess learning; the third one, " The best snack: bread and oil ", always curated by the experts of PANDOLEA and narrated by a young 7-year-old reader, guides moments of individual study with a playful and educational format to be carried out in the classroom and at home. The Pandolea initiative also falls within the scope of initiatives aimed at sustainable development for the future generations of the Expo Women Global Forum EWGF. )

"From our association's experience in creating training courses aimed at introducing young people to the culture of extra-virgin olive oil - emphasizes" Loriana Abbruzzetti , president of PANDOLEA -, we have decided to launch a new educational project that introduces primary school children to the benefits of a healthy diet, explaining the importance that olive oil plays in this context".

"It is an ambitious project - explains" Gabriele Conte , CLIOedu - which reads the need to implement healthy and sustainable lifestyles in everyday life and the need to do so from a young age. The spread of "Bruschetta or Snack?" will be on a national scale also thanks to the collaboration with Giunti Scuola and we foresee the identification of "pilot" regions on which to shape the development of further potential transversal to the educational plan.

A "flexible" project that can be delivered in multiple ways to meet various educational needs with the possibility of integrating additional components such as sessions, ex-ante and ex-post, by professional dietitians to support the administration of online questionnaires to evaluate the effectiveness of the project in terms of acquiring knowledge about the correct lifestyle; live training sessions with Nutrition experts, video chats and webinars held by Professor Eugenio Del Toma; "Oil workshops" to be carried out in the classroom with the support of the PANDOLEA Associates.

"Initiatives like "Bruschetta or Snack?" take up the challenge launched by the European Parliament, which has always considered healthy and proper food education to be a priority to be learned in schools - remember" Paolo De Castro , coordinator for the Group of Socialists and Democrats of the Agriculture and Rural Development Committee of the European Parliament. In this regard, last May we expressed positively on the "Fruit and Milk in Schools" dossier and now we are waiting to know the position of the EU Council to start the interinstitutional trilogues. Our goal is to allocate more resources to distribution programs and ensure that Member States increasingly invest in educational activities aimed at promoting healthy and sustainable eating habits".

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