Tecnovisionary Award: on June 10th, the award ceremony of the XV edition.

For the 15th Edition, the International Technovisionary® Award recognizes Artificial Intelligence in female excellence.

On June 10th, the award ceremony

The 2021 edition of the XV International Technovisionary Award ceremony is renewed, to be precise on June 10th.

The prestigious award, promoted by Women&Tech - Association of Women and Technologies - this year dedicated to the theme "Artificial Intelligence, female excellences" , aims to recognize the individuals who are making the greatest contribution to the development of this discipline.

As in past editions, the Prize, conceived by Gianna Martinengo, founder and current President of Women&Tech, will be awarded to women who, in their professional activities, have demonstrated to possess “vision, prioritizing social impact, transparency in behavior, and ethics”.

Why look at Artificial Intelligence?

Among the many topics strongly debated even in times of pandemic - from sustainability to biotech, to digital, to circular economy - why focus attention specifically on AI and the value that women can bring to this specific area of research and industrial application? Gianna Martinengo answers: "AI represents the scientific study of individual and collective intelligence through the use of computational models that can simulate it, but also the engineering of machines capable of behaviors that anyone qualifies as intelligent. Certainly, it requires, like few other disciplines, a great scientific and humanistic culture together, as well as a holistic approach: it is needless to repeat that women are naturally gifted in this and, as predictable, their role has always been prominent in the challenges related to AI".

In the specific case of the International Technovisionary Award, there are special ties with AI, specifically in terms of vision, social impact, transparency, and ethics that women have been able to express at their best in recent years, giving life to projects not only based on high technology, but also loaded with a strong human and social value. These four elements will be the guiding thread of the selection that the Jury has made in recent months and also takes into account the indications coming from the open 'call' for submissions.

The online mode of the award ceremony is consistent with the safety that we want to ensure for people during this period, certain that the valuable contribution of the participation of decision-makers from the business, university, public administration, and personalities from the scientific, cultural, and media world qualifies the event.

All updates on the XV Edition are available on this site and it is also possible to find information about past editions of the Award here.

The Prize boasts a Jury composed of qualified representatives from the thematic areas of the different categories of the competition, from the world of culture and communication.

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