Technovisionaries® 2019 "Sustainability and New Materials"

International Award to nine talented women capable of transforming the future

Revelations of talent, genius, intelligence, creativity, ingenuity, flair, fantasy, imagination, intuition, inspiration, inventiveness: it is women, with their abilities, who invent the future

Milan, June 24, 2019 - " Sustainability and New Materials ", this is the theme that distinguishes the XIII edition of the International Prize, promoted by - Association of Women and Technologies, awarded every year to women who, in their professional activities, have demonstrated to have a vision, prioritizing social impact, transparency in behavior, and ethics. Technovisionaries ® Donne & Tecnologie ®

Responding to the needs of the present while protecting the future

Since its existence, man has shaped the materials of nature; creates new ones, invents them, processes them. From the Stone Age, as history teaches, we have moved on to the Copper Age, the Bronze Age, and the Iron Age, to arrive at the present with the energy and technological revolutions guided by coal, oil, and silicon.

The materials of tomorrow will be "intelligent", capable of performing more than one function and taking the place of devices and gadgets currently in use. If in the past we searched for materials in nature with the characteristics we needed, since the last century we have started to manufacture, through chemistry and technology, new materials with the desired properties.

"We also know - says Daniela Aleggiani of 3M - that the key to the future will be green materials and that these will arise from processes that do 'more with less', advancing a global circular economy, respecting environmental situations, to create a better world through science and inspire people in their behaviors. Sustainability should be considered a team sport and approached with a holistic mindset ".

The Technovisionary Award, now in its thirteenth edition, aims to represent an important piece of cultural change: by rewarding female merit, we reward those women whose contribution to economic, scientific, and social progress is essential for the country's growth. They are the 'Technovisionaries' in the fields of research, innovation, business, media, and culture. ”, states Gianna Martinengo , creator of the Award. “ We have always strongly believed - she continues - in the importance of investing in women and their abilities in a world seeking reliability, growth, and equity. Objectives that we set for ourselves every day with the Association, a well-established reality, but above all a qualified network that allows us to share knowledge and experiences based on the principles we recognize ”.

The Association has paved the way for 'recognizing value' and this year will also reward examples to share and give credit to. Supporting talent in its most ambitious and independent form means encouraging young women, but more generally young people, to promote ideas and projects that will help shape the future and society of tomorrow. ” concludes Olga Iarussi , President Women & Technologies ® .

Chosen by a Jury [1] of prestige, composed of qualified representatives from the thematic areas of the different competition categories, here are the nine Technovisionaries 2019 who will be awarded the Prize:
  • Health Category: Daniela Trabattoni , Director of Women’s Heart Center Interventional Cardiology Unit 3, Centro Cardiologico Monzino
  • Scientific Research Category: Marinella Levi , Full Professor, CMIC Politecnico Milano
  • Renewable Energy and Environment Category: Emilia Rio , Human Resources Director, HSE, Organization and Change Management, A2A, President of AMSA S.p.A.
  • Renewable Energy and Environment Category: Marina Gandini , Junior Research Scientist at Glass to Power, a spin-off of the University of Milan-Bicocca
  • Applied Research Category: Jayshree Seth , Corporate Scientist and Chief Science Advocate, 3M US
  • Scientific Communication Category: Silvia Bencivelli , Doctor, scientific journalist and radio and television host
  • Special Award for Art and Science: Sonia Bergamasco, actress and director
  • Special Public Administration Award: Monica Parrella, General Director of Personnel at the Ministry of Economy and Finance.
  • Special Europe Award: Jill Morris , British Ambassador to Italy and San Marino

Appointment for the Award Ceremony on July 3, 2019 – Palazzo Pirelli, Belvedere Jannacci, Via Fabio Filzi 22, Milan – at 6:30 PM (by invitation).

High gastronomy and art to celebrate female excellences

There are many specificities that characterize the 2019 event, including a refined experience of tastes, between tradition and innovation, curated by the catering company T'a Milano by Tancredi and Alberto Alemagna; the art canvas from the collection ANITÀ , that the awarded recipients will receive created specifically for the Award and dedicated to women who have been able to combine "heart and invention" achieving milestones in the service of others.

The media partner of this edition is the magazine ELLE , directed by Maria Elena Viola, the international brand (45 editions worldwide) born in France in 1945, which has always followed and supported the evolution of the female world because ELLE considers women the protagonists of change, the true energy at the base of society.

The collaboration and networking skills of the Association are demonstrated by the support that all the members ensure and have ensured. Thanks dedicated to them is also extended to those who, in this edition, have put in their energies and their organizations for the success of the event: Daniela Aleggiani (3M), Cristina Dotti (Banca Mediolanum), Gianna Martinengo (Didael KTS), Federica Nolli (FP & Partners), Maria Luisa Nolli (NCNBIO), Claudia Omini (Westland).

For information:

Press Office Technovisionaries: – tel. 0230516019

Women&Tech – Women and Technology Association: – tel. 0230516019

The international Tecnovisionarie Award is promoted by Women&Tech - Association of Women and Technologies, founded by Gianna Martinengo to enhance female talent in technology, innovation, and scientific research, to promote projects and actions aimed at combating gender stereotypes and discrimination, and to contribute to guiding young people towards future careers and sustainable entrepreneurial models.

[1] Jury Members: Diana Bracco - President and CEO of Bracco Group and President of Bracco Foundation, Deborah Chiodoni - Head of Press Office, National Museum of Science and Technology "Leonardo da Vinci", Milan; Gianna Martinengo - President of Didael KTS and Founder of Women & Technologies®, Franca Melfi - Director of the Multidisciplinary Robotic Surgery Center, University Hospital of Pisa, Patrizia Rutigliano - Executive Vice President Government Affairs, CSR and Communications SNAM, Federica Villa - Manager of the Presidency and Institutional Relations Chamber of Commerce of Milan, Maria Elena Viola - Director ELLE

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