Award "The Technovisionaries®" 2009

Who is a "tech visionary"? She is a woman capable of generating innovation and "inventing the future", creating technologies; a woman who through her work has demonstrated the ability to combine creativity, innovation, and quality of life. Innovation should be understood not only as the construction of new tools, but above all as the ability to conceive problems differently and identify new objectives (information on the 2008 edition of the award is available here ).

The winners of the "Tech Visionaries®" 2009 award were announced during the international conference Women&Technologies®: creativity and innovation , held in Milan, at the National Museum of Science and Technology "Leonardo da Vinci", on November 9, 2009. The award ceremony took place during the Gala Evening that followed the conference, in the presence of numerous personalities from the business, institutions, scientific, and media worlds.

The jury is composed as follows:

  • Diana Bracco
    President of the Special Research and Innovation Project and Expo 2015 - Confindustria - President of the Expo 2015 Management Company
  • Giovanni Caprara
    Journalist, writer, popularizer, head of the scientific editorial staff of Corriere della Sera
  • Deborah Chiodoni
    Director of External Relations and Press, Museum of Science and Technology Leonardo da Vinci, Milan
  • Luca De Biase
    Director of Nova 24, Il Sole 24 Ore
  • Gianna Martinengo
    Founder and President of Didael Srl; Coordinator of the Women Entrepreneurship Committees of Lombardy; President of the Women Entrepreneurship Committee of Milan
  • Silvia Rosa Brusin
    Journalist, presenter, and deputy editor of Leonardo, RAI3
  • Maddalena Sorrentino
    Professor at the Faculty of Political Sciences, University of Milan, member of CEPIS (Council of European Professional Informatics Societies)
  • Cristina Stancari
    Councillor with responsibilities for Sports and Leisure - Youth Policies - Equal Opportunities, Province of Milan
  • Federica Villa
    Manager of the Presidency and Institutional Relations Chamber of Commerce of Milan

1st Prize ex aequo

Catia Bastioli, CEO of Novamont S.p.a.

  • Motivation : Exemplary synthesis of how solid technical-scientific preparation and managerial skills have allowed the transformation of research results into innovative applications. The approach and solutions towards environmental issues, with particular reference to bioplastics, represent a strong signal and a model for the entire country.
  • Delivery of the award: Patrizia Grieco, Chief Executive Officer of Olivetti - Telecom Italia Group.

Barbara Poggiali, CEO and General Manager of DADA, RCS group.

  • Motivation : Starting from MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology-USA), she has been able to build a successful Italian "vision". The different business contexts where she has worked, the various sectors she has tackled, and the multiple challenges faced and overcome are an example of the centrality of the "person" as a priority factor over any other.
  • Award delivery : Gianna Martinengo , President of Didael and Jury Member.

Special Award from the Milan Chamber of Commerce for "Public Administration"

Maria Virginia Rizzo , Head of the Ministry of the Interior's web portal

  • Reason : Innovating in the Public Administration in Italy is a priority challenge. Designing projects and successfully implementing them is a significant victory. The e-government service with SMS messaging from the Ministry of the Interior simplifies communication, facilitates the information process, and reduces the distance between the State and the citizen.
  • Award delivery: Federica Villa , President's Manager and Institutional Relations of the Milan Chamber of Commerce and member of the Jury.

Special award from the Chamber of Commerce of Milan for "Applications of social interest"

Stefania Bastianello, Trainer - AISLA (Italian Association of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis)

  • Reason : Professional skills, woman's intuition, and the strength of a wife combined with ICT are allowing her to develop a communication system for people with severe motor disabilities, with potential applications for other severe disabilities. A family story that becomes an example and a help for society.
  • Delivery of the award: Cristina Stancari, Councillor for Sports and Leisure, Youth Policies and Equal Opportunities, Province of Milan and President of the Jury.

Special "School" Award from the National Museum of Science and Technology

Linda Giannini, Teacher at Don Milani Comprehensive Institute, Latina

  • Reason : Because he has been able to grasp and enhance in an original way the high educational and formative potential of communication technologies. Because he tirelessly contributes on the Ministry's and scientific-educational associations' blogs. Because communicating well to young people means helping them grow well. An ideal teacher to wish for every student.
  • Delivery of the award: Massimo Sordi, Vice President of the National Museum of Science and Technology.
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