Press Release No. 5/2013 - FutureCamp Europe, May 6, 2013


The future is increasingly green
Environment, New Materials, Energy and Transport
the professional sectors emerging from the conference
Future Camp Europe - Job Projects For Young People

Milan, May 7, 2013 - Over 250 people, on May 6 , filled the Council Chamber of Palazzo Isimbardi in Milan for Future Camp Europe: job projects for young people , the interactive meeting, conceived and organized by the Women and Technology Association , aimed at young people, parents, and teachers interested in discovering and understanding how to enter and navigate through the emerging professional sectors in Europe .
The focus of the debate, which also saw the active participation of representatives from institutions (Cristina Stancari - Councilor for youth policies as well as Natural Resources and Energy of the Province of Milan - and Francesco De Sanctis - Director of the Regional School Office for Lombardy), the employment opportunities offered by the markets of Environmental Sustainability , New Materials , Nutrition , and Music Informatics, through the experiences and expertise of entrepreneurs, teachers, and researchers.

" To face a society that is changing radically, at an unprecedented speed, it is essential to conceive new paradigms of information, training, and communication - begins Gianna Martinengo , entrepreneur and president of the Women and Technology Association - New professions require basic, technical-professional, transversal (life skills), and innate skills, that is, personal ones ".
" Curiosity is the key word - emphasizes Marisa Porrini , professor at the Department of Food, Nutrition and Environment Sciences, Chemistry section, at the University of Milan - Being curious is essential, first in choosing one's studies, and then in building one's professional path ". Echoing this sentiment is Liliana Gorla , Human Resources Director of Siemens Italy, who emphasizes the importance of passion , a true driving force for personal and professional development. " It is essential to give young people back the ability to dream - urges Maria Emanuela Salati , Director of Training, Selection, and Internal Communication at ATM - As parents, teachers, and companies, we have the duty to give them the opportunity to invent the future they want, providing them with the tools to face uncertainty and overcome difficulties without ever losing enthusiasm ".

" I agree - emphasizes and concludes Martinengo - Today more than ever we need "vision" to orient ourselves in choosing the right path. I am very grateful to all the participants invited to contribute to the success of this day. I believe that by working together we will not only be able to relaunch the productions lost in the past, but above all to build the society of the future , where new professions will integrate continuously and innovatively with traditional ones ."

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Future Camp Europe is an initiative promoted by the Women and Technology Association as part of the events leading up to the annual Women&Technologies® conference 2008-2015 (VI edition - Milan, November 2013).

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Women and Technology Association - T +39 02 87285350

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