Press release n°3 - Milan, November 9, 2009

Donne & Tecnologie ® : sold out at the conference

Award for five "technovisionaries". President Napolitano's Medal
Monday, November 9, 2009, 9:30 AM - 6:00 PM
National Museum of Science and Technology "Leonardo da Vinci", Milan
Monday, November 9, 2009. Sold out for the second edition of the event organized in Milan during the European Year dedicated to "creativity and innovation" and the path towards Expo 2015. The day began with greetings from the Director General of the National Museum of Science and Technology Fiorenzo Galli and the President of the Chamber of Commerce Carlo Sangalli. After the opening speech by Gianna Martinengo - creator and Chairperson of the conference - a presentation was given by Alessandra Servidori, National Gender Equality Councilor, representing the Minister of Labor, Health, and Social Policies, Maurizio Sacconi. International conference "Women & Technologies" ®
During the afternoon sessions, European Parliamentarians Lara Comi, Vice President of the Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection, and Cristiana Muscardini, Vice President of the Committee on International Trade, also intervened.
The closing of the event was carried out by Maria Grazia Cavenaghi-Smith , Director of the European Parliament Office in Milan.
In addition to the conference, awards are given to women capable of "inventing the future" by creating technologies, this year awarded with a tie - the two special prizes from the Milan Chamber of Commerce - one for "Public Administration" and one for "Applications of social interest" - and the special prize "School" from the National Museum of Science and Technology in Milan. award "The Technovisionaries" ® "2009"
Donne & Tecnologie ® " In 2009, he received the medal that the President of the Republic Giorgio Napolitano wanted to designate as his representation award.
Press kit materials list
Press release ( click here ) with content, numbers, statements.
( click here ) Jury and winners of the "Technovisionary" award ® "2009"
3) Conference Program (click here)
4) Innovative Music Technology Intervention (click here)
5) The "whys" of collaborations, contributions, and sponsorships ( click here )
6) Greetings from Diana Bracco and Massimo Buscemi ( click here )
7) Photographs ( click here ) (The first photos of the day will be available from 2:00 PM. Photos of the award winners will be available from 8:00 PM today by contacting the Press Office).
Press Office: Flavio Incarbone | | +39 347 5880131
Donne & Tecnologie ® "2009ha l’adesione del Presidente della Repubblica ed è promossa da Didael in partnership con il Museo Nazionale della Scienza e della Tecnologia 'Leonardo da Vinci' che ospita l’evento." "2009 has the endorsement of the President of the Republic and is promoted by Didael in partnership with the National Museum of Science and Technology 'Leonardo da Vinci', which hosts the event."
It is made possible with the contribution of the Chamber of Commerce of Milan, Lombardy Region, and Forum Net Economy and with the collaboration of the European Parliament - Milan Office and the Women and Technology Association.
Has received the institutional endorsements of the Minister for Equal Opportunities, Ministry of Labor, Health and Social Policies, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Education, University and Research, Ministry for Public Administration and Innovation, Province of Milan, Municipality of Milan.
Sponsors are Olivetti (Telecom Italia Group), Intesa Sanpaolo, Wolters Kluwer Italia, Infocamere, Adobe, Futuro@lfemminile, AICA, BCC Sesto San Giovanni, and Deutsche Bank. Donne & Tecnologie ® 2008-2015

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