Press Release No. 8/2013 - Women&Technologies, November 5, 2013

On November 5th, in Milan, the VI edition of Women&Technologies® dedicated to food.

Milan, October 16, 2013 - The next November 5th , at the Conference Room of the Milan Chamber of Commerce (Via Meravigli 9/B), the VI edition of the international conference Women&Technologies® , conceived and organized by the Women and Technologies Association with the support of the Lombardy Region, Province of Milan, Municipality of Milan, as well as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of the Environment and with the endorsement of the President of the Republic. Furthermore, starting this year, Women&Technologies® officially becomes part of the initiatives leading up to Expo 2015 , also earning the endorsement of the Scientific Committee of Expo of the Municipality of Milan.

Continuing the path outlined in the 2012 edition, Women&Technologies 2013 will delve into the theme of nutrition in its interconnections with health, sustainability, and innovation.
These are indeed the "thematic duets" around which the speakers from around the world will discuss in the three cornerstone roundtables of the conference: nutrition-health, nutrition-sustainability, nutrition-innovation.
The goal is to provide a holistic view, accessible to the end consumer, of the new frontiers and challenges for the definition of a nutrition aimed at prevention, for the development of a sustainable agriculture and production capable of supporting small and medium enterprises in the sector that represent an excellence to be protected, for the promotion of innovative research involving the development of eco-friendly technologies and approaches in the various sectors related to nutrition as well as to improve communication with consumers and in particular the transparency and truthfulness of information on this topic.

" Women&Technologies® has a dual objective - explains Gianna Martinengo, creator and chairperson of the Conference - firstly to increase individual awareness regarding the importance of issues related to safeguarding the planet and the future of the new generations that are closely linked to technological innovation; secondly, to highlight the specific contribution of women in this field. Women have not only shown themselves to be attentive users of technology, but also to be able to make an increasingly important contribution to their creation and the introduction of innovations ."

This last statement is confirmed by the Le Tecnovisionarie award, presented at the end of the conference to eight women identified online, and then evaluated by a panel of experts, within the following categories: WomenHealth, WomenSustainability, WomenInnovation, Women Media, WomenTerritory, WomenCEO, Women Future, Special Europa Award.

Below is the schedule of the day:

9:00 AM: Morning Session
Institutional Greetings

  • Ada Lucia De Cesaris , Deputy Mayor, Councilor for Urban Planning, Private Construction and Agriculture Municipality of Milan

Opening address

  • Gianna Martinengo, Founder and Chairperson of Women&Technologies®, President of the Women and Technologies Association
  • Claudia Sorlini , DeFENS (Department of Food Environmental and Nutritional Sciences) - University of Milan. Coordinator of the Scientific Committee of the Municipality of Milan for EXPO. President of the Strategic Committee of Women&Technologies®.

Round Table " Nutrition and Health "
Coordinator Patrizia Riso, DeFENS (Department of Food Environmental and Nutritional Sciences), University of Milan

  • Amelia Fiorilli - Department of Biomedical Sciences for Health, University of Milan
  • Silvana Mazza - Head of Department of Hygiene and Nutrition, ASL Milano
  • Paolo Simonetti - DeFENS (Department of Food Environmental and Nutritional Sciences) - Division of Human Nutrition
  • Aida Turrini - INRAN, National Institute for Food and Nutrition Research
  • Francesco Visioli - Laboratory of Functional Foods, IMDEA-Food, Madrid

Round Table " Nutrition and Sustainability "
Coordinator Stefano Bocchi, DiSAA (Department of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences), University of Milan

  • Maria Teresa Besana - Director General of Agriculture, Innovation, Cooperation and Enhancement of Productions, Attractiveness and Promotion of Productions Unit, Lombardy Region
  • Paola De Santis - Research Assistant, Agrobiodiversity and Ecosystem Services Programme, Bioversity International
  • Andrea Giussani - President of the Banco Alimentare Onlus Foundation
  • Carmine Guanci - Development and Innovation Manager, Vesti Solidale
  • Daniela Poli - Director of the Journal of the Society of Territorialists
  • Jean-Philippe Tonneau - Director of the UMR Tetis (Territory, Environment, Remote Sensing, Spatial Information), CIRAD-ES

Institutional greetings

  • Federica Ortalli, Member of the Board of the Milan Chamber of Commerce and President of the Committee for the Promotion of Female Entrepreneurship of the Milan Chamber of Commerce

Time 13.00: Light Lunch

Time 14.30: Afternoon Session
Institutional greetings

  • Cristina Stancari , Councillor responsible for Sports and Leisure, Youth Policies, Equal Opportunities, Environment, Quarries, Remediation, Natural Resources and Hydraulics, Energy Province of Milan

Round Table " Nutrition and Innovation "
Coordinator Silvana Barbuti, SSICA Experimental Station for the Food Preservation Industry

  • Veronica Cornini - R&D Coopbox Group S.p.A.
  • Roberto Dall'Aglio - Nutraceutical Expert
  • Vittorio Gagliardi - President IIAS, Italian Institute of Frozen Foods
  • Sebastiano Porretta - President of AITA, Italian Association of Food Technology
  • Bianca Maria Vecchio - Market Nutritionist, Nestlé


  • Hugo De Vries - Board member of the European Federation of Food Science and Technology / Member of the Unesco Chair on sustainable food systems / Director of UMR 1208 Engineering of Agropolymers and Emerging Technologies

Time 16.20: Coffee Break

Time 16.40 - 18.00: "Le Tecnovisionarie®" 2013 Award Ceremony

For information:
Association Women and Technologies - T +39 02 87285350 / /

The Women and Technologies Association , born in 2009 from an idea of Gianna Martinengo, identifies and enhances female talent in technologies, serving scientific research, youth orientation, and innovative and sustainable entrepreneurial models.

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