Press release: Creativity and innovation: the voice of a "Technovisionary"


Nik Nailah Binti Abdullah in Milan on January 19, 2009

New scenarios of Cross-domain collaboration on the web

In 2009, European Year of Creativity and Innovation, Milan hosts Nik Nailah Binti Abdullah, a "technovisionary" researcher from the National Institute of Informatics (Tokyo), to present the new scenarios of "Cross-domain collaboration on the web": Nik Nailah Binti Abdullah analyzes conversations between people (and "machines") in web collaboration, in order to devise new tools that allow predicting user needs.

Monday, January 19, 2009, Palazzo Isimbardi, Corso Monforte, 35, Milan, 10:00 am - 1:00 pm.

The event, organized by Didael together with the Province of Milan and the European Parliament (Milan Office) will be introduced by Arianna Censi, Delegate Councillor for Gender Policies of the Province of Milan and by Gianna Martinengo, President of Didael and Chairperson of the Women&Technologies Conference. Speakers include Filippo Penati, President of the Province of Milan, Maria Grazia Cavenaghi-Smith, Director of the European Parliament Representation Office in Milan.
Moderated by Francesca Cerati, Deputy Head of Service at "Nova24" Il Sole-24 Ore.

The meeting will be in Italian and English, with simultaneous translation.

Free admission, with pre-registration at

Techno-visionary women

Who is a "technovisionary"? She is a woman capable of generating innovation and "inventing the future," creating technologies. Innovation should be understood not just as the construction of new tools, but above all as the ability to conceive problems differently and identify new objectives.
The combination of "Women and technologies" is still trapped in too many stereotypes. The stereotyped image of a woman who is puzzled in front of a computer or intimidated by high technology is hard to die. And the vision of technology as something subordinate reserved for women, limited to home automation or strictly instrumental use, is even harder to die.
Instead, the reality is very different: there is a world of women who don't just "use" technology, but create it, invent it, shape it according to their needs, their curiosity, and give life to a technological universe with unexpected contours and absolutely innovative potential. Women researchers and talented women who work in Universities, Companies, Public Administration. Not only that, but also "technovisionaries" who go beyond limits and have extraordinary and brilliant insights.
Nik Nailah Binti Abdullah is one of them: no wonder she was one of the 3 finalists of the "Le Tecnovisionarie®" Award, created by Didael within the Conference Women & Technologies: research and innovation (Milan, September 8, 2008), dedicated to subverting stereotypes by making known and networking women "technology creators." The award jury highlighted Nik Nailah Binti Abdullah "for creativity in identifying paths not yet taken in computer research and for tenacity in pursuing results of extraordinary applicative potential."

Interaction and dialogue in the Communities on the Web of the Future

One of the most interesting areas of innovation through technology today is that of Interaction and Dialogue in Communities on the Web of the Future: today, web 2.0 technologies allow people to produce information as well as consume it; furthermore, the new architectures increasingly focused on services require the ability to make technologies and people interact and integrate typical social life properties of people into ICT, such as interaction, dialogue, reputation, and the like. These are challenges that open up new scenarios, on which Nik Nailah Binti Abdullah will provide her personal contribution of experience and "vision" in the meeting on January 19, 2009.

Women&Technologies 2008

The 2008 edition of the conference Women&Technologies took place on September 8, 2008 at the Milano Convention Centre. It was conceived by Gianna Martinengo (President of Didael and Chairperson of the conference) and organized by Didael and the European Parliament (Milan Office), under the High Patronage of the Presidency of the Republic. During the conference, the first edition of the "Technovisionary®" award was held, supported for the year 2008 by BlackBerry®.
To learn more about the conference, the award, and the new edition scheduled for 2009:

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