Press release: 3rd edition of the International Women&Technologies® Conference: e-Health and "The Technovisionaries®" Award 2010

III edition

International Conference
Tecnologie ® : e-Health
and "The Technovisionaries" Award ® "2010"
Bio and Nanotech
With the participation of the President of the Republic
Monday, November 8, 2010, 9:30 AM - 6:00 PM
National Museum of Science and Technology "Leonardo da Vinci"
Auditorium - Via San Vittore 21, Milan
The third edition of Women&Technologies is underway ® 2008-2015, a path of growth to make the relationship between women and technologies increasingly conscious.
Women&Technologies ® 2008-2015 The purposes
Donne & Tecnologie ® proposes a new vision of the relationship between women and technologies, addressed not as a gender issue but as a tool to identify and enhance female talent in research, technological development, and innovation, with particular attention to the themes of interest of Expo 2015.
Women&Technologies ® 2008-2015 What is
Donne & Tecnologie ® It is an annual International Conference, an annual International Award ("The Techvisionaries") ® It is a permanent workshop of ideas, discussion, and sharing active all year round through a web portal, social networks, participation in public events, and institutional meetings.
Creator and chairperson of Women & Technologies ® It is the entrepreneur Gianna Martinengo, who has made the relationship between technologies and innovation one of the main themes of her professional life as a researcher and entrepreneur.
Women&Technologies ® 2008-2015People
Personalities from the scientific, academic, political, and institutional world have been invited to participate in the conference and award ceremony "The Technovisionaries." ® 2010: women but also men who strengthen the presence and assertiveness of women. Among others: Daniela Bellomo , General Manager TT Factor srl; Giuseppe Campanella , President and CEO Fondamenta Sgr; Alberto Cavalli , Undersecretary of the President for University and Research, Lombardy Region; Marina Del Bue , General Manager MolMed Spa, Vice President of Assobiotec; Sergio Dompé , President Farmindustria; Daniela Jabes , Founder and President NAICONS and NeED Pharmaceuticals; Giampaolo Landi di Chiavenna , Health Assessor, City of Milan; Mario Marazzi , Head of Simple Structure of Tissue Therapy/Plastic Surgery and Burn Center, Niguarda Ca’ Granda Hospital; Michela Matteoli , Director of the "Cellular Biology of the Synapse" laboratory Department of Pharmacology at the University of Milan, co-founder and President of Neuro-Zone srl; Paolo Milani , Director of the Interdisciplinary Center for Nanostructured Materials and Interfaces at the University of Milan, Scientific Director of Fondazione Filarete; Maria Luisa Nolli , CEO Areta International; Francesca Pasinelli , General Manager Telethon; Carol Perez , Consul General of the United States in Milan; Alessandra Perrazzelli , CEO Intesa San Paolo Eurodesk; Maria Grazia Roncarolo , Scientific Director of the San Raffaele Scientific University Institute.
The International Women&Technologies Conference ® 2010: e-Health Bio and Nanotech The Third Edition
The 2010 edition of the Conference will focus on research and innovation in the field of Health, with particular attention to the sectors of biotechnology and nanotechnology. The integrated approach to the topic of e-Health will include the evaluation not only of scientific and entrepreneurial aspects but also legal and connected to venture capital.
For this reason, the Conference will gather around itself speakers and guests of national and international relevance belonging to the world of Research, Public and Private Health, Public Administration, and the various sectors of Business and Finance.
The four round tables on the agenda will delve into the following themes:
  • How are our medicines changing? (the influence of biotechnologies in medicine)
  • Advanced therapies: new frontiers of regenerative medicine;
  • Nanotechnologies for health;
  • Start-up and Finance for Innovation.
Participation in the conference is free and the registration form is available here: participant form and journalist form .
The International Award "The Tech Visionaries" ® 2010 The Third Edition
November 8th is also the day of the awarding of the "Le Tecnovisionarie" prize. ® "2010. An award dedicated every year to "visionary women" who, through their work in Research, Public Administration, or Business, have been able to "invent the future", combining innovation and technologies, maintaining an overall vision and a necessary centrality of the individual.
The 2010 award ceremony will take place during the Gala Dinner by invitation at the end of the conference, at Palazzo Cusani.
The Technovisionaries 2010 have been proposed and voted on the portal . The most voted candidates will be evaluated by a Jury of experts who will use an online system to indicate preferences and motivations and determine the winners.
The Permanent Laboratory
Crucial Node of Women & Technologies ® It is the portal : a creative and lively laboratory, physical and virtual, on the themes of research, technological development, and innovation.
To date, the portal, created by Didael KTS, has recorded over 1 million visits and over 150,000 visitors from 50 countries.
The permanent laboratory as a container of ideas and discussion for communication and sharing is active all year round and is also fueled by social networks and participation in public events and institutional meetings.
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With the participation of the President of the Republic
Promoted by: Women and Technology Association, in partnership with: National Museum of Science and Technology "Leonardo da Vinci".
With the contribution of: Milan Chamber of Commerce
With the collaboration of: European Parliament - Milan Office
Partner: Intesa Sanpaolo│Farmindustria│Assolombarda│Gruppo MultiMedica│AICA│diagramma││TT Factor│Areta│SEA Aeroporti di Milano│ATM│Telethon│Assobiotec│alintec│VEGA
Organized by: Didael KTS
Media Partner: Radio24
Special thanks to: Metelliana Graphics│7Gr│Buongusto│Credit Suisse│Lenovo│don't ask us for the word│IF Innovation FestivalMilano
Under the Patronage of: Italian Government Minister of Youth│Ministry of Foreign Affairs│Minister for Public Administration and Innovation│Ministry of Labour and Social Policies│Presidency of the Council of Ministers - Department for Equal Opportunities│Higher Institute of Health│Lombardy Region│Province of Milan - Equal opportunities│City of Milan - Health.

Press Office: │tel. +39 0287285350

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