Nurses4Expo: press release

September is approaching and we suggest to all Italian colleagues to check - shifts in hand - the possibility of being present in Milan, Auditorium of the Museum of Science and Technology "Leonardo da Vinci" on September 10 and 11. A truly historic international Conference will take place! In the year of EXPO Milan 2015, we will talk about The Contribution of Nurses to Feed the Planet with exceptional guests.

On Thursday, 10th, the main architect of the WHO's Global Strategy for Human Resources in Health, Jim Campbell (see with links to WHO and ICN documents), will be present, followed by two speakers from the International Council of Nurses. Expert Yukiko Kusano will discuss the role of nurses in promoting healthy eating and preventing non-communicable diseases, illustrating ICN documents and projects. The Italian National Federation of IPASVI Colleges will also participate with the presentation of the portal for nurses and citizens by Rita Maricchio. Following in this first afternoon of "professional politics," the presentation of ICN projects to train global nurse leadership by Lesley Bell and a concrete exemplification by colleague Liliana Coppola, manager of DG Salute, Lombardy region.

On Friday, 11 in the morning, moderated by the President of the Federation of IPASVI Colleges Barbara Mangiacavalli with Angela Lolli (Probiviro of CNAI), will begin with the experience of the Canadian RNAO guidelines to prevent childhood obesity by colleague Tiziana Rivera (as you will understand from her surname .... she has Italian origins!). It will continue with the Italian experiences of Fiorella Fabrizio (CNAI Puglia, health prevention in a primary school), Angela Fantoni (ANIN, eating disorders), Giulia Mannella (Cittadinanzattiva and the project Mi sta a cuore ), to conclude with the results of a survey conducted by GItIC on the diet of people with heart disease.

On the afternoon of September 11th, moderated by Professor Laura Rasero (President of AIIO) and President of ANIN (Cristina Razzini), will instead be dedicated to two other experiences: Silvana Pastori (OSDI) will discuss self-care interventions for people with type 2 diabetes and Cristina Brunori and Francesca Castelvedere will provide information on the health prevention project implemented in prisons in the Lombardy region.

The conclusions will be drawn at the end of the afternoon, after Cardinal Angelo Scola has opened up horizons on the theme of EXPO 2015, reflecting on What nourishes the life of man beyond, obviously, the food necessary for survival.

In short, a concentrated mix of skills and varied backgrounds and... the menu is served!

Here is the link to the dedicated website:

And directly to register:

Hurry up! Until September 5th, the registration fee remains unchanged! Why not take advantage and take a tour at least in the evening at EXPO?

I'm sorry, but there is no Italian text provided for translation.
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